Eddie Gaspar
Editor's note: This is the third in a series of profiles of the three executive alliances.
Through a TikTok account, customized berets and a collaborative Google document, executive alliance candidates Michaela Lavelle and Anilya Krishnan said they want to have fun with their campaign and make
students laugh.
“We kind of came into this a little unconventionally, I think, but we are really just out here to have a good time, be a refuge maybe for people who don’t feel represented by the other campaigns,” said Lavelle, student body presidential candidate.
The duo’s platform, under the slogan “love that for y’all,” was created through a Google Doc available on Facebook. There students can write down whatever they want to see on campus.
“One platform point that I really liked from our Google Doc was taking all of the sidewalks and roads out of UT and replacing them with water for gondolas … so the turtles can be free to roam from the turtle pond,” said Lavelle, psychology and humanities junior.
Before receiving student suggestions, Lavelle and Krishnan considered the issue of room reservations after experiencing problems with the system.
“One (idea) that we kind of started with was changing the room reservation system to a collaborative Google Sheet so that students have access to that, and you can kind of add times that work for you,” Lavelle said.
Krishnan, government and history junior, said she liked a proposal for Speedway to be replaced with an airport-like “people mover.” If there aren’t sufficient funds for the project, Krishnan said UT would provide students with Heelys.
Another student-suggested platform point involves a Perry-Castañeda Library makeover.
“There was a group of students and they asked me if the McCombs (building) was PCL, and I said, ‘No, PCL’s down the street and looks like a prison, you’ll be able to find it,’” Lavelle said. “So I think that it’d be fun to have it be pink.”
Krishnan said they want their “campaign for the people” to put students at ease this election season.
“I think that a lot of people, despite everything that was going on, found (Texas Travesty) campaign pretty funny last year, and I think it brought light for some people when the rest of the campaign season was pretty dark for them,” Krishnan said. “We just kind of wanted to be like a middle ground there and just make people laugh during what can be a pretty serious time on campus.”
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