Jack Myer
Fans hoping to watch Texas soccer in person this season are in luck. Mike A. Myers Stadium will be open to spectators this fall, Texas Athletics said Friday in a statement.
Texas Athletics will implement various new measures in the stadium to allow for social distancing and admission to all games will be free, according to the statement. No announcement has been made about a limit on the stadium capacity.
Texas Athletics Director Del Conte said protocol at Mike A. Myers Stadium will mirror guidelines he and other administrators have set in order to ensure a safe fall sports season for Longhorn student-athletes, staff and fans.
“Sports in our country have helped us through some of our most challenging times, and it's something we need as much as ever right now,” Del Conte said Aug. 18 in his weekly newsletter, Forty Acres Insider. “We're doing everything in our power to provide that opportunity for our student-athletes, staff and fans in the safest possible manner.”
Texas Athletics will require fans to enter through specific gates and abide by social distancing markers, according to the statement.
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Hand sanitization stands have been installed throughout the stadium and all restrooms will be sanitized by GermLogic, a commercial sanitizing company, throughout the season, according to the statement. Staff will also regularly clean and sanitize all common areas and high-touch surfaces with antibacterial spray and wipes.
“It's imperative we take care of ourselves and those around us, all wear our facial coverings, maintain social distancing, wash our hands regularly and use hand sanitizer so we can do our part in this health crisis to keep our campus flourishing and fall sports seasons on schedule,” Del Conte said in the Aug. 25 edition of his newsletter.
Fans will be able to purchase concessions through the Texas Longhorns mobile app, and all parking and concession purchases must be made on a cashless basis. A clear bag policy will also be in place.
Track-level seating will not be available this season unlike in years past to ensure student-athlete and fan safety, according to the statement.
The Longhorns will host four matches this season as part of their 2020 conference-only schedule, providing fans a chance to get outside and cheer on the team this fall.
Texas soccer kicks off its season this Friday at 7 p.m. with a home match against Kansas. Other opponents making their way to Austin this year include Oklahoma on Sept. 25, Kansas State on Oct. 9 and Baylor on Oct. 30.