Breyona Mitchell
As a prime hub of paranormal activity in Texas — from abandoned mansions to haunted hotels — Austin doesn’t disappoint when it comes to unleashing sheer terror. For people daring enough to accept this challenge, The Daily Texan compiled a list of Austin locations to confront the supernatural firsthand.
Millett Opera House
Home to roaming poltergeists and phantoms, visitors of Millett Opera House frequently see the apparitions of late theater performers who befell tragic deaths on stage. The most common appearance comes from the ghost of Priscilla, an opera singer who fatally fell from her last catwalk before getting married. Now, to haunt the place that took everything away from her, Priscilla lurks in the elevator every night before closing, wearing an eerie white gown. Occasionally, staff claim that Priscilla also attacks workers by pushing them around or knocking food from their hands.
The Driskill Hotel
Living up to its notorious reputation as Austin’s most haunted landmark, the spirits at Driskill prove their existence with various mysterious antics. Established in 1886, the hotel — one of Austin’s oldest buildings — carries a dark past of many twisted, horrible deaths. Mischievous childlike giggles in the hallways, chilling ghost presences around the suites, morphing facial expressions in the paintings and unexplainable reflections in the mirror make for only a few examples of the cursed occurrences from the building’s deceased residents. Although The Driskill Hotel hosts prominent social and political gatherings inside its lavish rooms, its catalog of ghost tales still manages to draw tourists looking to test their fate in the historic hotel.
Moonshine Patio Bar & Grill
Located where Waterloo Compound was first established in 1835, Moonshine Patio Bar & Grill houses the spirits of occupants from way before the restaurant’s construction in 2003. Visitors and staff report numerous ghastly experiences, including wine bottles shattering, doors randomly opening and even unexplained shoulder taps. While most people visit the restaurant for its rich Austin history or delicious cuisine, century-old ghost stories certainly add a haunting appeal to the Red River Street restaurant.
Oakwood Cemetery
Known as Austin’s oldest burial ground, for those who dare take a midnight stroll behind the locked graveyard gates, visitors of Oakwood Cemetery should beware of the restless spirits which roam about — many of which are said to be previously buried bodies stolen for medical experimentation. In the cemetery grounds, investigators report alarmingly high paranormal activity and electromagnetic field readings. Visitors also mention an uneasy feeling of being watched. While disturbed ghosts hide in the darkness, these warnings do not stop curious visitors and ghost tour guides from exploring the menacing grounds.