Swirlie and Cream Cheese Rangoon | Dear Daily Texan #2

Dear Daily Texan

Dear Daily Texan,

I accidentally locked myself in the Panda Express bathroom two weeks ago. After four hours, a worker let me out. Ever since, I haven’t been able to get it out of my mind.

Dear reader, 

Flushed away.

Swirlie: Flush your memories down the toilet.

Cream Cheese Rangoon: That’s it. That’s the advice. 

Dear Daily Texan,

I believe talking about political current events with others is important, but I find it rather difficult to talk about current events with my friends in fear of being viewed differently because of my values and experiences. How can I talk about today’s social and political issues with other students and friends who may disagree with me?

Dear reader, 

Politics Schmolitics

Mr. Considerate: Your true friends will meet your beliefs and opinions with compassion, but remember that collective agreement isn’t the goal of political discussion. It’s OK to disagree but be respectful. Politics aren’t the basis of true friendship.

The Pacifist: Does a political discussion with friends ever accomplish more than starting a fight? Consider the outcomes of the potential conversation and decide if it’s worth having. If you know it will only start a fight, skip it. 


In need of advice? Let us know.