Avery Thorpe
“What starts here changes the world” is a slogan constantly touted by the University, but to change the world, we must learn to understand global events. The world can seem small since our lives revolve around classes, clubs and our personal lives. But in all the commotion, we tend to forget about the political and social events that occur both around the globe and closer to home. Staying up to date on news is an important part of maintaining a well-rounded outlook on life.
We live in a global society, so exposure to a wide variety of cultures and lifestyles allows for a deeper appreciation of the way that other people live. Engaging in conversations about current affairs and different cultures fosters deeper connections. Students at UT are diverse in thought and expression, which makes it all the more necessary to stay updated with global news.
Throughout the semester, journalism professor Paula Poindexter keeps her students informed on current events through a collaborative Facebook page.
“(Students) find a story of interest to them, they can always do more than one but at least one, and they comment on the story,” Poindexter said. “It’s very important to be able to not only inform yourself, but also to be able to discuss it, and they do that through their comments.”
When engaging with current affairs, be cognizant that news is inherently biased, so it is important to seek information from a variety of resources. Having an open mind when reading and viewing news can create a more credible, responsible opinion.
UT allows students to stay up to date with free New York Times subscriptions offered through UT libraries. Alongside the NYT subscription, students can get discounted subscriptions to The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and The Economist subscriptions simply by being a student.
Whenever something interests you on social media, consider double-checking the information on verified news websites to get an even better understanding. Media literacy is an important skill to have and use daily. We are constantly receiving information, especially on social media, and we must filter what is true and what isn’t. In our technological age, we have many opportunities to stay up to date with current events.
If a hands-off approach isn’t appealing, UT offers a multitude of organizations to join.
UT clubs like Model United Nations and the International Affairs Society are great ways to get involved with current affairs on campus. Finding like-minded peers within these groups can help you stay on top of your news engagement.
“I think about things on a global scale, and I find it easier to analyze issues from different perspectives,” said Reha Kakkar, a Plan II and neuroscience senior, about her time in UT’s Model United Nations.
“I learned so much about these things like issues that are still ongoing, just because I happen to be in the committee,” Kakkar said. “Maybe I’m not talking about the crisis in Venezuela every day, but I’m now engaged in that issue, I’m engaged in that region and I have a background that I wouldn’t otherwise have gotten.”
Take advantage of the constant streams of resources and news available to UT students to become a more globally aware and communicative person. Current affairs applies to all aspects of your future from your career to personal relationships.
Shenoy is an economics sophomore from Houston, Texas.