Angela Leon
This season brings freezing temperatures to the Austin area and nationwide reports alert audiences about increasingly unpredictable weather as the climate changes more and more each year. With this in mind, emergency preparedness proves key to staying safe and warm this winter. The Daily Texan compiled a list of resources and supplies to keep around in case of an emergency.
Supplies for Students
Students should keep a week’s worth of non-perishable food on hand, as grocery stores’ inventory dwindles during a freeze. Each student should also keep one gallon of water and seven days’ worth of medications in their home. Other necessary supplies include a flashlight with extra batteries, a first aid kit, a battery-powered radio and warm blankets.
Supplies for Cars
When driving in winter weather, cars must prepare to stop if it becomes dangerous to keep driving. Always fuel cars before a storm to prevent running out of gas on the road. Students should keep jumper cables, a portable tire inflator, reflective triangles and an ice scraper inside their trunks at all times. Additionally, drivers should keep an extra set of clothes and warm blankets, paper maps and a small collection of non-perishable food and water for themselves.
UT Outpost
Located on University Avenue behind the Student Services Building, the UT Outpost provides valuable resources for a winter freeze. Along with their food pantry, they offer toiletries and gently used clothing free for any student enrolled at UT. If necessary, Central Texas Food Bank and Feeding America offer additional food support.
Office of the Dean of Students
Living the Longhorn Life, the on-campus organization affiliated with the Office of the Dean of Students often hosts fairs to provide students with necessary supplies depending on what the season calls for. Their most recent fair, revolving around emergency preparedness, provided free snacks to all along with an emergency radio, first aid kit, mylar blanket, bathing wipes, water bags and perishable food for the first 100 students who attended. They partnered with the Office of Emergency Management, UTPD and the City of Austin Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. Each of these organizations offers valuable resources for students when in an emergency of any kind on or off campus.
Additional Austin Resources
The City of Austin Office of HSEM hosts monthly emergency preparedness pop-up events. The next is February 21 from 4-7 p.m. at Pleasant Hill Branch Library.
Go to Warn Central Texas to sign up for emergency alerts.
The City of Austin opens cold weather shelters if the forecast predicts freezing temperatures overnight. The Active Emergency Information Hub provides information regarding locations and registration.