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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan


Tuition rates increased 134% in last decade, report shows

Collin Eaton November 5, 2010

UT increased tuition and fees by 134 percent since 1999, according to a new report from the Chronicle of Higher Education. Adjusted for inflation, the University raised tuition at the second-highest...

UT-El Paso students shot, killed in violence-ridden Ciudad Juárez

Nolan Hicks November 5, 2010

Two University of Texas at El Paso students were shot and killed in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, as they were traveling through the violence-wracked city, where U.S. officials estimate that 2,300...

TX representative dies after 28 years of service

Nolan Hicks November 5, 2010

Texas Rep. Edmund Kuempel, a Republican from Seguin, died Thursday morning at University Medical Center Brackenridge following a heart attack. Earlier that morning, the 67-year-old legislator...

Speaker suggests union changes

Allie Kolechta November 5, 2010

Labor unions need to change their strategies before they can improve working conditions, said UT law professor Julius Getman on Thursday. Getman gave a talk in the UT Law School about his...

Central Texas leads state in deportation cases

Aziza Musa November 4, 2010

A federal program, recently implemented in all Texas counties, that scans local jails for undocumented immigrants with criminal records has spurred controversy because it might lead to racial profiling...

Lifelong dream of flying inspires UT business major to take to the sky

Lindsey Cherner November 3, 2010

Max Tribolet walks around the plane, completing tasks on a tedious list that includes testing the lights and switches in the cockpit, checking the weather and making sure the air space is clear....

Republicans face battles over planned budget cuts

Nolan Hicks November 3, 2010

Texas Republicans — including Gov. Rick Perry, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and House Speaker Joe Straus — ran and won on a platform that promised a balanced state budget without new taxes. State...

Tuition, financial aid rise at four-year public colleges

Lauren Giudice November 3, 2010

Four-year public universities nationwide have increased their tuition and fees by almost 8 percent this year. But students might not have felt the full effects of the increases because financial...

Women’s Health Day focuses on sexual, mental issues

Ahsika Sanders November 3, 2010

Drug abuse and genital warts are two often-ignored women’s issues that the sisters of Zeta Sigma Chi highlighted on Wednesday during Women’s Health Day 2010. Women and women’s...

Students wake up to talk with deans of communication

Mary Ellen Knewtson November 3, 2010

Three deans of the college stood near a long table with red cups and ping pong balls in the lobby of the communication school on Wednesday. Although it might have looked like an impromptu...

College of Liberal Arts appoints new department heads

Lauren Giudice November 3, 2010

Seven new department chairs have been appointed in the College of Liberal Arts, UT’s largest college. Four are women, making one-third of the department chairs in the University female. Kristen...

Aviation series honors female pilot

Allison Harris November 3, 2010

Although the “grandmother of aviation” was born in Alabama, she was instrumental in bringing planes to Texas, astronomy administrative associate Debra Winegarten said Wednesday. Katherine...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin