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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan


Replace tenure with multiyear renewable contracts

July 11, 2011

Editor’s note: Among the many proposed reforms to Texas higher education are some that would modify or eliminate the current tenure system employed by colleges and universities. We asked UT philosophy...

Reopening an old front on education

Matt Daley July 7, 2011

Gov. Rick Perry reopened an old front in the war on education in Texas last Friday. Just days after the end of the special legislative session and on the brink of a busy holiday weekend, the governor’s...

Confederate plates: An utter disgrace

Samian Quazi July 4, 2011

Texas motorists may soon be able to sport a license plate with a Confederate flag logo if the Department of Motor Vehicles approves it this fall. The Sons of Confederate Veterans applied for such...

Don’t sell the city’s soul

Harold Fisch June 30, 2011

The City Council voted Wednesday to endorse the Formula 1 racetrack. The vote will most likely bring the Grand Prix to Austin in 2012 — an event that has promised the city a lot while asking for...

An embarrassing distraction

Samian Quazi June 27, 2011

Last week, Gov. Rick Perry signed into law a bill that overrides a federal mandate phasing out incandescent lightbulbs. The legislation flies in the face of constitutional authority and judicial precedent....

Don’t centralize higher-education reform

Matt Daley June 23, 2011

UT is capable of reforming its teaching mission on its own, and it should be allowed to do so. Amid a flurry of outside reports and think tank publications suggesting to universities ways to improve...

Invest more in education

Matt Daley June 22, 2011

A past teacher of mine opened her class by comparing learning math to building a wall out of bricks. Every year, a certain number of bricks, representing concepts and skills, were supposed to be added...

Our degrees matter

Natalie Butler June 20, 2011

To say that the conversations surrounding higher education in Texas over the past few months have been heated is an understatement. So-called “reforms” being pushed by outside interest groups...

An opportunity for UT graduates

Harold Fisch June 20, 2011

A new trend is shaking up Texas and has the potential to bring wealth and employment to thousands of Texans and UT graduates. New hydrofracking projects in South Texas have already made millionaires out...

A university divided

Holly Heinrich June 16, 2011

Four different U.S. congressmen will represent students living on and around the UT campus, effectively shattering the voting power of a student body numbering 50,000, under the congressional map passed...

Join the Texas State Employees Union

Dana Cloud June 8, 2011

I received an email last week from UT President Bill Powers Jr. You probably got one, too. The letter announced the more-or-less final figures for state budget cuts in funding for the University. The...

Davis should be applauded

Susannah Jacob June 6, 2011

During a telephone interview this week, Sen. Wendy Davis, D-Fort Worth, attempted to squeeze into a single sentence why she cares so much about Texas education. She came up with this: “An education...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin