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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan


Thank you, Shirley Bird

Norm S. Davis May 12, 2011

On May 9, I attended the memorial service for Shirley Bird Perry, held on the UT campus in the packed LBJ Auditorium. “Shirley Bird,” as she was affectionately known, worked for more than...

What’s AP style for ‘asshattery’?

Lauren Winchester May 6, 2011

I’ve lured you here under false pretenses. This is not, as the headline implies, a cheeky column about Gov. Rick Perry. Instead, I’m here to dazzle you with the depth of my petty narcissism....

I’m being paid for this?

Douglas Luippold May 6, 2011

As a graduating senior and Daily Texan associate editor, I’m given the unenviable task of composing a farewell column in which I’m expected to simultaneously reflect on my time at UT —...

I hate everyone

Dave Player May 6, 2011

At the corner of Guadalupe and 31st streets, there is a crosswalk that is probably the only aspect of Austin I hate more than the people who hang out at Spider House. The “crosswalk”...

They let me write my own headline

Dan Treadway May 6, 2011

Helen, I feel like over the past four years, I’ve written opinion columns ranging on just about every topic, but I’ve never had the opportunity to express my opinion of you. In general,...

Who said it: Perry or my 11-year-old sister?

Dan Treadway May 5, 2011

Meet Rick Perry. He’s been the governor of the great state of Texas since Dec. 21, 2000. Meet Hannah Treadway. She’s my little sister, who lives with my family in Oakville, Ontario,...

Checkoff laws enable twisted relationship

Kate Clabby May 5, 2011

I first learned about checkoff programs when I encountered radio ads discouraging people from drinking unpasteurized (raw) milk, sponsored by an organization called DairyMax. It didn’t surprise...

Keep hydrofracking costs in proper perspective

Emily Grubert May 3, 2011

Natural gas has a serious image problem because of its water intensity, real or perceived. The practice of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” has received significant media attention for...

Student leaders deserve a response

Carisa Nietsche May 3, 2011

Student leaders from the Senate of College Councils, Student Government and the Graduate Student Assembly issued a letter to the UT System Board of Regents last week expressing qualms about the board’s...

A time for reflection

Brandon Curl May 2, 2011

On Sunday night at 8:45 p.m. CST, the news of Osama bin Laden’s death was beginning to spread through the Twittersphere. It was Dan Pfeiffer, the White House communications director, who first...

The 21,675th article on Shakespeare

Andres Martinez May 1, 2011

In a guest column in The Texas Tribune on Friday, Ronald Trowbridge, a senior fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, outlined the TPPF’s position that universities are prioritizing research...

Pay attention, be vocal

Holly Heinrich May 1, 2011

As summer approaches it’s tempting to let thoughts of the University slip into the back of our minds. But if you’ve been advocating for higher education at the Capitol, it’s time to...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin