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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan


A farewell from Student Government

Muneezeh Kabir and Scott Parks April 5, 2011

We set out to make Student Government a more relevant, transparent and impactful organization under the collaborative philosophy of “together students can.” On the campaign trail, we promised...

Disclose hydraulic fracturing fluids

Emily Grubert April 4, 2011

    The Texas House is currently considering a bill to disclose fluids used for natural gas production in hydraulically fractured wells. H.B. 3328, proposed by Rep. Jim Keffer, R-Eastland,...

No magic bullet for evaluating teachers

Brandon Curl April 3, 2011

    Last week at a town hall at Bell Multicultural High School in Washington, D.C., President Barack Obama decried the use of standardized testing. “Too often what we have been...

Another kind of sex education

Jonathan Rienstra March 31, 2011

    Sex sells, as we all know. A newspaper cover that has an artistic depiction of man-to-woman oral sex would certainly capture a reader’s attention. I’d pick up that...

Prioritize research

Francis D. Fisher March 30, 2011

    Right-wing zealots are campaigning to shift money at UT from research to teaching.   They assert that patent payments don’t cover the cost of research and tenured...

Remembering César Chávez’s legacy on his birthday

James C. Harrington March 30, 2011

Today is the birthday of César Chávez, the farm labor leader who dedicated his life to improving the wages and working conditions of agricultural workers, one of the country’s poorest...

Raise the bar on minimum wage

Jessi Devenyns March 29, 2011

Whether it’s to purchase groceries out of necessity or a Tyler’s sweater out of indulgence, most Longhorns know what it’s like to cringe when reaching for their credit card. We are, after...

We have failed our intelligent design

Joel Francia March 28, 2011

    <em>Editor’s note: This column is in response to an opinion piece published Monday by Eric Pianka entitled “We have not been ‘designed’ intelligently.”<em/> We...

We have not been ‘designed’ intelligently

Eric R. Pianka March 27, 2011

    Ever wondered why Earth is such an ideal place for humans? Creationists think it’s because God designed all of this for us, but that’s arrogant and silly. Sure, gravitational...

Keeping score of academic performance for student athletes

Brandon Curl March 27, 2011

    Each March, when college basketball fans turn their attention to the Final Four, which will be next weekend in Houston, reformers attempt instead to focus that attention on academics. This...

Focus on alternatives in light of new parking ordinance

Lilian Honorato March 24, 2011

    The Austin City Council recently voted to extend parking meter hours throughout the city. Beginning in August, those wishing to park on streets downtown, the area surrounded by...

‘Glee’ and social change

Alyssa Davis March 24, 2011

    I have a confession to make: I used to have qualms with homosexuality.   I was never the hate-spewing kind of homophobe, but I was someone who thought being gay...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin