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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan


Can I get an amendment?

Dan Treadway September 17, 2010

I suppose my grandmother was right; it is a pretty peculiar question. While speaking with her last week, we happened to stumble across the subject of politics, and during the course of lamenting...

Learning to love UT

Erin Gleim September 15, 2010

“Anywhere but Texas!” There it was in black and white, taunting me. I wrote the goal in my “freshman letter,” a note my freshman-self wrote for my senior-self to read four years...

Give the textbook store a break

Brandon Curl September 14, 2010

People hate the textbook store. Hate it. It’s one of those universal truths common to any university across the country. We’ll do anything to avoid being forced into forking over our...

Consider a co-op

Charlie Saginaw September 10, 2010

Before parents leave their children to explore the world on their own for the first time, they go through the process of cramming all of their child’s worldly possessions into dorms across campus....

Let’s get technological

Jonathan Rienstra September 9, 2010

I want an iPad. Or Kindle. Or Kno. Whatever. I want the University to give whichever to me and I want it to give one to you as well. “I want” is a dirty way to continue this discussion,...

A place for meat in a sustainable food system

Kate Clabby September 8, 2010

It takes 24 pounds of grain to make 1 pound of beef. This statistic, from Frances Moore Lappe’s 1971 book “Diet for a Small Planet,” is often cited in arguments for vegetarianism....

Be involved in public service

Rep. Lloyd Doggett September 7, 2010

My fellow Texas Longhorns, Welcome back to another exciting year at the University of Texas. Every fall, my thoughts always turn to the 40 Acres and the thousands of students who will start filling...

The teacher becomes the student

Brandon Curl September 6, 2010

Once, I was a middle school science teacher with Teach For America. Now, having returned to school as a graduate student, I find myself on the other side of the classroom but with a new and unshakable...

Redirect UT’s resources

Tom Palaima August 31, 2010

On Monday, President William Powers Jr. used his Tower Talk blog to praise the UT faculty for its role in making the undergraduate academic reputation of UT seventh among public universities and...

Student success inspires optimism

Sarah Weddington August 30, 2010

It’s still the first week of class here at UT as the fall 2010 semester starts. For students, there have been move-in days, welcoming ceremonies and the usual “settling down” angst....

Defending the empire

Calvin Sloan February 9, 2010

According to professor Robert Jensen of the School of Journalism, “As long as the United States is an empire, government officials will try to keep the public in the dark about the nature of the...

X-treme climate

Emily Grubert February 9, 2010

Last summer, Austin created an electricity bill assistance program to deal with exceptionally high power bills related to extreme temperatures. The city Web site has tips for keeping cool during...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin