The Hook the Vote registration rally for voters, originally scheduled for 9 a.m. Tuesday morning, has been postponed until next semester.
The rally is tentatively scheduled for March, the same month as the presidential primaries, said Dana Henning, Student Government agency director for Hook the Vote. SG postponed the rally because there was not enough funding and not enough interest in the Nov. 8 elections, she said.
Because of the Voter ID Bill, which went into effect September 2011, students are now required to either vote in their hometowns or change their drivers license addresses to the county they wish to vote in, Henning said. Because of this, there has been confusion about registering to vote, and SG cannot register everyone who shows up to the rally as they have been able to do in the past, she said.
“The March rally will be a day long, traditional Hook the Vote rally,” Henning said. “By then, we’ll hopefully know more about what’s going on in the Republican field and we’ll have more resources for students who want to register.”
Travis County does not collect numbers of registered voters based on age or where they attend school, so there isn’t a way to track how many UT students are actually registered, said Debbie Wise, director of early voting at the Flawn Academic Center.