The idea that appearance is not a focus in the Greek community is laughable to me, as someone who has seen the neon of Round Up and the weekend attire of heels and dresses, and has been asked to leave a casual Greek party because I was wearing something comfortable. People certainly have the right to wear what they want for whatever reason, but that does not free them from criticism, such as that expressed in a column titled “Don’t short your identity” that ran Sept. 25.
One firing line [from Friday’s paper] suggested that “stereotyping people based on their choice of clothing seems petty.” Then you should understand why many are upset over the Greek community’s theme parties. An Ohio University campaign put it best: “We’re a culture, not a costume.” Clothing and appearance hold immense social power, whether intended or not. Communities work hard to break stereotypes, and parties like the ones held recently only reinforce what many people sadly believe is true.
— Meg Susong, womens & gender studies alumna ‘12