Students gathered Tuesday at the College Republicans watch party to view the televised debate between Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas).
The debate between the senators, hosted by CNN, focused on health care policy.
College Republicans member Jake Crosby said he found Cruz’s responses witty, especially when he criticized the Affordable Care Act by comparing a map of consumer insurance choices in America with the regions of the electoral map that voted for Donald Trump.
“I think that was the best moment of the debate so far,” Crosby said. “He has definitely proven himself to be a good debater in the past, and he has lived up to that reputation in this debate.”
College Republicans member Willis said he believes the senators participated in the debate to boost their own public profiles. Carlton said a debate such as this one only heightens political animosity at a time when public debate over the repeal of Obamacare has left many agitated and resentful.
“I don’t think anyone is going to come away from this debate with their opinions changed,” Willis said. “These guys are just taking shots at each other’s ideology and positioning themselves as champions of their supporters. People are still sensitive about Trump getting elected and Obamacare being repealed, and this is just stirring controversy.”
Samantha Minkowitz, College Republicans vice president, said the debate was a meaningful discussion of important issues.
“I think this kind of debate is good because the senators both take strong positions to make a statement,” Minkowitz said. “I think it is important that people on both sides are able to see that there is a way to improve the U.S. health care system while getting rid of Obamacare.”
Alec Lucas, College Republicans finance director, said the organization hopes to encourage more political activism on campus.
“I think students taking part in the political discussion on campus is imperative to forming their own opinions,” Lucas said. “We come to college to learn different perspectives by being exposed to differing opinions. This exposure better informs our opinions and furthers the discussion of these important issues.”
The watch party was held at the University Teaching Center.
Editors Note: The last name of one of the sources in the aritcle has been removed for privacy reasons.