Resources for survivors and advocates

24-hour SAFEline: Call (512) 267-7233 or Text (737) 888-7233  


Survivor Resources:

Comprehensive list of student resources from Title IX.

UT Law Domestic Violence Clinic: Legal assistance from law students for survivors of domestic violence.

Victims Advocate Network: 24/7 network that provides mental health first aid at the scene of distressing events on campus.

Interpersonal Violence Peer Supporters [relaunching in 2022]: UT students that offer peer-based support to survivors.

Confidential Advocates: Full-time staff who are not mandated to report to Title IX. They can help you with asking professors for accommodations, connecting you to outside counseling,navigating the reporting process and providing general support. 

Voices Against Violence Counselors: Specialized counselors that can be contacted through CMHC.

CMHC Groups: Group therapy hosted by CMHC open to all students.

CMHC Resources: Comprehensive list of campus and Austin-based resources for survivors.

The SAFE Alliance: An organization offering short-term therapy on a sliding scale and medical care for survivors in the Austin area, including sexual assault forensic exams.

Inclusive Therapists: A platform to connect underrepresented individuals with culturally responsive and affirming therapists who celebrate all identities and abilities in all bodies.

Trans Lifeline: Hotline run by and for transgender individuals to give support for any needs. 


Education and Organizing Resources:

UT Austin: 

Yes Means Yes!: Visions of Female Sexual Power and a World without Rape (2019): A collection of essays from various organizers on topics relating to sexual culture in America.

Beyond Survival: Strategies and Stories from the Transformative Justice Movement (2020): An absolute must-read on the principles of transformative justice.

Justice in America “Episode 20: Mariame Kaba and Prison Abolition”: An excellent podcast on the prison industrial complex, including its failure to adequately confront sexual violence and other systems of harm.

Know Your IX: An organization with resources on supporting survivors, education about Title IX, and ways to start getting involved. Join their Campus Action Network (IX-CAN) for email updates about Title IX policy and to be added to a Slack of students across the country organizing for Title IX reform.

Campus Action (be sure to specifically check out their campus organizing toolkit).

“Activist Burn-Out and Self-Care” 

Affirmative Consent: Explore different consent policies across the country. 

Transform Harm: One of the most comprehensive and accessible resources for learning about transformative and restorative justice.

Campus Organizations: 

  • Not On My Campus UT: ​​UT branch of a nationwide coalition dedicated to ending sexual assault on campus through peer education, advocacy, and support.
  • Women’s Resource Agency: Connects self-identifying women with campus resources.
  • Interpersonal Violence Prevention Coalition: A roundtable collective of the presidents and selected representatives of various interpersonal violence prevention organizations on UT’s campus that shares resources and collaborates on initiatives. Contact Student Government Advocacy Director, Mackenzie Smith,  to be connected to the Coalition.
  • It’s On Us UT: UT branch of a national organization dedicated to ending sexual assault.