UT students address registration frustrations

Sophia Kurz, General news reporter

Registering for classes can be stressful for many students, and some take to the internet to find others to commiserate with.

Every semester, some students experience issues registering for the classes they need for their degrees. Whether a class filled up seconds into their registration time, the web tool glitched or the advisor gave the wrong unique code, victims of registration take to social media every semester to air their complaints.

Public health sophomore Dena Antowan, took to TikTok, in a viral video, showing the lack of biology courses offered.

“I basically looked at the bio classes … (and) they just closed the classes completely,” said Antowan. “They don’t put a waitlist, they don’t have any of that. As soon as the class is gone, it’s gone.”

The University has around 50,000 students — with about 40,000 undergraduate students and 10,000 graduate students.38% of classes have between 20-49 students each, and the 2022-23 semester marked the largest incoming class for the University, according to a report published by the University.

“My orientation was the fifth one,” said biology freshman Gia Son, regarding registration for fall 2022. “Most of the classes were closed, and appeared closed.”

Son said she encountered difficulty when registering for her undergraduate studies courses, in which a class she wanted was “open; reserved” but didn’t specify the restriction and, as a freshman, she assumed she could register for the class to count as her UGS.

“My registration time came … and I started to try to add the course,” said Son. “But for some reason, it said that the department wouldn’t let me add it. I was like, ‘I’m not sure why that’s happening.’ I’d been trying that for two minutes, which means for that two minutes everybody’s been registering for everything. … (I tried) to find a different UGS … but, of course, there was no UGS because everybody took them. They’re very, very fast.”

Biology sophomore Ryan Dobbs also expressed her frustration with trying to get into a class she needs for her degree.

“Last year … I had a bunch of problems with registration,” said Dobbs. “It was to the point where I made 15 different possible schedules, trying to get something that I liked. It’s just a little frustrating needing to get into a lab and there are so many sections, and all of them are closed or whitelisted,” Dobbs said if the University knows how many people are in a certain major, then they should have enough seats in the classes required for that major.

“If you’re just going to accept a ton of students and then not have classes for them to be in, it’s kind of s***** of them,” said Dobbs.