Is government overstepping?

Megan Tran, Alexa Leon, and Tommy Wan

Government plays an integral role in our daily lives. From municipal services to guiding public policy, legislative bodies have tremendous responsibility in representing the voices of the people.

However, the role of government is different in each individual’s eyes. Some argue that government should take a larger role — in welfare, support services and economic development. Others desire a balance where government takes a step back, to let the people decide how to live their own lives.

In all cases, the fundamental question remains: What is the role of government? 

In this forum project: 

Bruce Elfant, an alumnus and the Travis County tax assessor-collector and voter registrar, said the government has a responsibility to push for statewide online voter registration to empower all citizens.

Damiana De La Paz, a junior journalism major and communications intern for the Texas office of Public Citizen in Austin, said government should protect the rights, health and safety of all Texans — not corporate interests.

Daniel Acosta, Jr., dean emeritus of pharmacy at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center, former deputy director at FDA’s National Center for Toxicological for Research, and former director of the graduate toxicology training program at UT, said he ponders the role of state governments and their right to change historical precedence.

The forum team consists of forum editors Alexa Leon, Tommy Wan and editor-in-chief Megan Tran. As always, if you have any thoughts on this topic or any other, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].