Self-proclaimed sports addict retiring from the game

Matthew Caldwell, Associate Sports Editor

Throughout my first couple of years at UT, I was constantly looking for something worthwhile to spend my time doing. Before joining the Texan, I would go to class, head back to my apartment and watch sports. It didn’t matter the time of day, there was always something on, whether it was tennis, soccer, basketball, football or any other sport. The two takeaways from this are (1) I may truly be in the 99th percentile of sports fans, and (2) I had way too much time on my hands.

This must have been apparent to my girlfriend, Emma, because she tried convincing me to join The Daily Texan’s sports department multiple times. She worked in the copy department and edited probably over 100 sports stories, so she knew it was right up my alley.

A couple of semesters went by, but in January 2022, I took her advice and applied. Thankfully, I was accepted, and my journey as a sports reporter began.

In the four semesters I worked at The Daily Texan, I was able to write some really interesting stories. I was lucky enough to cover a top-ranked men’s tennis team, write for Double Coverage, Texas football’s newspaper, and serve as the beat reporter for one of Texas men’s basketball’s most historic seasons.

Although this allowed me to enjoy some of the coolest experiences I’ll ever have, such as traveling to Kansas City and sitting courtside at March Madness, the people at the Texan were what made it special, and these friendships are some I won’t forget.

Emma: You will always be who I have to thank for my time at the Texan. I wish we could’ve worked together for more than one semester.

Matthew B.: You were my closest friend at the Texan. We have some amazing memories from playing ping pong on the makeshift table to our beginner tennis class to all of the table tennis tournaments we did together. However, nothing will ever trump our hard-fought intramural tennis championship run.

Mantra: It’s a running joke that you know every single student at UT (I actually think it’s true). But I’m thankful that I was one of your 40,916 friends because you are genuinely one of the nicest people I’ve ever met and are always there to brighten everyone’s day.

Payne: “Hello?” It was awesome covering men’s basketball with you this year. It wouldn’t have been the same with anyone else. I won’t forget our trip to K.C., especially walking into what we thought was our hotel room and hearing a man’s voice before sprinting to the elevator. … I still can’t believe the concierge gave us the wrong room.

Christina: You took over as sports editor and made some great changes that will shape the department for a long time. It was evident you wanted the best out of everyone, and you got it. Sports is in the best shape it’s been, and it’s in large part thanks to you!

Hannah: In my first semester, I was still learning a lot, but you made it easy. You also made the sports department fun, and I actually looked forward to coming to the basement — which I always found depressing because of the lack of windows and natural light — for pitch meetings and to get work done.

Evan, Hunter and Jordan: It was a pleasure to get to know and become friends with you three. The Texan wouldn’t have been the same without you guys. I know you will all go on to do great things, whether it’s sports reporting or not!

To everyone else who made my time working here so enjoyable, thank you so much. It’s been a privilege to work with you all, and I couldn’t imagine a world without everybody.

If I had the opportunity to go back and do it all again, I would. Joining The Daily Texan was one of the best decisions I’ve made. The only regret I have is not listening to Emma’s advice sooner.