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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

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October 4, 2022

E-bike injuries increase while helmet use declines, study finds

Angela John

E-bike injuries increased while helmet use declined over the span of five years, according to a study published on Feb. 21 in Jama Surgery. 

Researchers analyzed over 1,000 cases of e-bike injuries reported by the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System between 2017 and 2022. Of those who were injured, only 44% wore a helmet, with the odds of helmet use declining by over 5% each year. During this time, the number of head trauma incidents also increased, being 49 times higher in 2022 than in 2017. 

Natalie Best, a long-time bike rider and mechanical engineering freshman, said she’s ridden e-bikes before in Austin. She said the environment of Austin, particularly parts of campus, makes riding e-bikes dangerous. She also sees riders taking them to crowded and inconvenient areas. 

“(People on e-bikes) just try to rip down Speedway,” Best said. “(If you) have someone weaving in and out on an e-bike, it’s prime ground for a pedestrian and someone on an e-bike to run into each other.”

According to the study, over 45,500 injured riders visited hospital emergency departments in the five years observed. During the short period, there was a sharp rise in hospitalizations.

Business freshman Omar Hagag rented an e-bike in downtown Austin to see more of the city. He said it is a problem when people ride e-bikes in the middle of the road. 

“When you’re in your car, you have a massive layer between you and danger,” Hagag said. “When you’re on an e-bike, you have no outside protection … (the distance) between you and danger is very slim and a hit from a car, I mean not even a hit, just like a tap from a car is enough to send you flying.” 

E-bike imports reached an all-time high of 1.1 million in 2022 and are a “popular choice in the clean transportation revolution,” according to the study. Kavish Dewani said he uses e-bikes to get around campus daily. He likes the fast speed of e-bikes in particular. 

“It helps you get where you want faster,” mathematics freshman Dewani said. “So … it makes a 15-minute walk into a three or four-minute bike ride.” 

Best said e-bikes are easily accessible and a nice alternative to cars, but people are accepting a risk whenever they choose to ride one. To avoid getting into an accident, she said she advises students to wear proper footwear and a helmet. 

“Helmets have been proven time and time again to save lives,” Best said. “If there’s one thing to get out of this article, it is please just wear a helmet. There is a very real chance that it can save your life.”

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