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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

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October 4, 2022

End of semester is a marathon, not a sprint

Nora Romman

It’s April, but it feels like just yesterday we were driving to campus to begin the 2023-2024 school year. These last few weeks came by so fast; it’s not uncommon to feel a sense of panic, with so much left to do and so little time.

With registration, final exams and move-out around the corner, it can easily feel like racing to summer with our blinders on is the quickest, most painless route to the end. It is important to give yourself grace and run these last few weeks like a marathon, rather than a sprint. Take rests when needed, and do everything in your power to pace your body and mind to feel proud at the end-of-semester finish line.

Ray Acuña-Luna, director of the Sanger Learning Center, shares how he believes students can set themselves up for a successful end of the semester by taking certain steps.

“You can’t expect to pour from an empty cup,” Acuña-Luna said. “If you’re not well rested, if you haven’t taken a minute to take care of your needs first, no matter how much you cram (or) how much you dedicate to your studies, if your body doesn’t feel like it’s being taken care of, you’re not going to retain all that you’re trying to accomplish for the next four weeks.”

When there seem to be more than a million tasks to finish, the end of the semester can feel paralyzing. The first step begins with how you are treating yourself. 

“Seeking help isn’t a sign of weakness,” Acuña-Luna said. “Seeking help is part of the normal process that we all should pursue, especially when we’re trying to finish the year strong.”

Dwelling on thoughts that you could have done better in certain classes can negatively impact you. It’s important to keep moving forward and remember to rely on the tools we have and the communities that support us.

Shruthi Juttu, psychology and Plan II Honors freshman, shares her perspective on the stress the end of the semester brings for students.

“You only have so much mental energy,” Juttu said. “It’s easy to feel guilty when you’re taking breaks, remind yourself that recharge is important to do your best work.”

Now is not the time to criticize why a grade may be where it is, but rather a time to reflect on ways to improve by starting with one foot in front of the other in the upcoming weeks.

“I feel like it’s all about perspective,” Juttu said. “I feel like your mindset has such a big impact on how you’re able to get through things because we are all here for a reason and UT saw something in all of us.”

We’re all on this campus for a reason and with a purpose. The school year’s finish line is a sign that a fresh start is on the horizon, bringing with it new beginnings. Every remaining day is an opportunity to put our best foot forward and give our all to finish strong and be proud of what we have accomplished. 

Gannon is a journalism freshman from Houston, Texas.

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