I write good news stories. Copy, don’t fact-check that — Peter would say they’re “ok.” But 68 mostly okay stories later, I’m struggling with this one. Because no amount of experience could help me properly express how much the Texan means to me.
I can tie any moment from the last three years to a memory of the Texan. I, with a lot of help from editors, wrote Domino’s obituary. I spent two election nights in the basement, knowing the late-night results would lead to serious repercussions. As news editor, I oversaw coverage of one such repercussion — the fall of diversity, equity and inclusion. Later that same semester, Texan staffers witnessed student after student get arrested. Scraped knees and flash bangs later, they returned to the Basement to write about it.
I’m proud of our coverage, but it’s the work our staff has put in that inspires me the most. It’s everyone I’ve worked with who has made everything worthwhile.
Brooke, Anna, Skye and Sam, thank you for teaching me everything I know. You are all incredible journalists, leaders and mentors.
Ali, thank you for your support during our SR semester and beyond. I’m so glad I talked to you and Isabella, even if our FIG didn’t make it happen. May our blood-soul tie stay strong.
Aaron, Pili, Ren, Olivia and Erika, being a senior reporter is the hardest job on the paper, and you’ve done an incredible job. Naina and Maryam, every day you blow me away with your reporting. I am so proud of everything you’ve accomplished. So much more TK.
Mason, thank you for coming to office hours. I’ve loved our basement chats. Sarah, I aspire to be more like you. Excited for more hangouts (not socials!) outside of the basement.
Breigh, thank you for guiding me last spring. Your wisdom kept everything afloat during a chaotic semester. Ireland, thank you for keeping me sane during our associate news semester. Your news judgement and work ethic will take you far.
Kylee and Vivien, I couldn’t have asked for better associates. Thank you for your support and strong leadership. Even in the rockiest of times, you made me laugh endlessly.
Katie, you are so smart and driven. There’s no one I’d trust more to be Managing Editor next semester. Only empower the right people, please.
Amelia, thanks for dragging me along for one last semester. Your passion and your kindness continually inspires me. I hope you feel as appreciated as you make us feel daily.
Marisa, thank you for sticking with me. You continue to be a light in my life, as you have been since my darkest SR days. To my parents and grandparents, thank you for believing in me and supporting my dreams.
As much as I like to think I’ve changed the Texan for the better, in reality, it’s the Texan that’s changed me. The Texan taught me AP style, yes, but it also taught me I can be the person I want to be. I have the strength to be a senior reporter, twice, and go up to complete strangers for interviews. I can make quick decisions and lead a department in high-pressure situations. I can do these things and continue to be myself while doing them.
It’s been a stressful three years. But through it all, the Texan has been there for me. I hope the Texan continues to be a bright spot for others in the same way. And I hope everyone, in the Basement and beyond, chooses to move through life with a sense of fun and whimsy. I know I will.
Editor’s note: This is Joelle’s 69th byline.