To be completely honest, I never thought I’d write a 30 column. So, now that I’m facing saying goodbye, I have absolutely no idea what to say.
When I first stepped onto the Forty Acres, I was riddled with imposter syndrome. Wondering if I was good enough to be a journalism major, to work for The Daily Texan. I was so scared of facing that reality that I didn’t even apply to the Texan until my sophomore year.
But, after I finally applied and got accepted as a copy editor, it wasn’t what I pictured at all.
I quickly learned that everyone here was just like me — a young college student that has no idea what they were doing — even if they were sporting crazy important-sounding titles.
I even grew comfortable enough to work for two departments at once. Then, suddenly, I turned around and I was social media editor and right in the thick of things.
I caught myself hanging out in the basement until midnight. And, eventually, I filled out an application to be part of management.
The Daily Texan gave me the confidence I was lacking. It gave me a space to be myself and meet others who would push me and encourage me to learn and grow. I have made what I know to be lifelong friendships at the Texan.
Kamryn, you were my entrance into the Texan and are what made me want to stay. I learned so much from you — I’ll never forget that health care is two words in AP style after you told me I missed it in every. single. mention. I will forever miss Wednesday copy nights.
Chloe, gosh what do I not say? We may have been co-editors but you were really my built-in best friend. I wouldn’t have survived being a department head, let alone being on p-staff, without you. It may not have felt like it, but you were quite literally holding my hand through everything.
Lucero, I’m so glad ranting in the opinion office finally brought us together. I still can’t believe we’ve both wanted to be friends since freshman year but it took two years to happen. You’ve become one of my closest and most valued friends.
Carla, you are genuinely one of the most talented, creative people I have ever met. You are the reason the Texan is where it is.
To my fellow DT support group members, Aislyn, Stephanie, Lorianne, thank you for making the Texan fun and listening to me complain. I will always hold our maestro yap sessions dear. We have to make our brunch happen.
To my digital department heads and current and former p-staff, Newton, Mercy, Athena, Manoo, Joseph, Adrita, Shivani, you are some of the most talented people I have ever met. For those of you staying, I’m glad I get to leave digital in your hands.
Peter, thank you for supporting me and listening. Your advice will always be invaluable. But please, don’t show the maggot video ever again.
To my mom and dad, thank you for listening to my long-winded stories from the Texan and encouraging me. I wouldn’t have made it this far without you.
Looking back on how afraid I was, I can’t believe I became one of the students helping lead this newsroom. The Texan has taught me so much not only about journalism but also about myself. Life is going to be a lot different without it, but I know that it’s prepared me for the real world.
Goodbye, Daily Texan.