Operation Naloxone implemented four additional Narcan distribution sites on campus last month.
Operation Naloxone is a University program focused on improving access, distribution and educational outreach of Naloxone, a medication used to reverse opioid overdose. Since its establishment in 2019, the program has set up Narcan distribution sites at various locations across campus. Narcan is the brand name of Naloxone administered via nasal spray.
The new distribution sites are located at Gregory Gymnasium, William C. Powers Jr. Student Activity Center, Charles Alan Wright Fields at the Berry M. Whitaker Sports Complex and the First Year Experience Office. The website also has a map of free Naloxone access centers in Austin, including locations of Narcan vending machines installed by the Naloxone In Case of Emergency project.
According to the Austin Public Health Opioid Overdose Dashboard, the Austin-Travis County area had 1,102 drug overdose EMS calls and dispatches in 2024. Texas Department of State Health Services data shows Travis County had 337 unintentional drug poisoning deaths in 2023, with 211 from opioids.
Director of SHIFT Kate Lower said Operation Naloxone has received positive feedback from University faculty and staff. She said staff members are grateful to provide Narcan distribution sites as a resource to students.
“We’ve heard from faculty who have heard from their students, ‘Because I had (Narcan), I was able to save a life,’” Lower said.
The Naloxone In Case of Emergency project vending machines distribute free Narcan 24/7 to provide judgment-free, zero-barrier access. Although not currently listed in the Operation Naloxone maps, the project has a vending machine located outside Rio Market in West Campus.
Editor’s note: A previous version of this story implied Operation Naloxone expanded into West Campus. This has been corrected. The Texan regrets this error.