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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan


State funding cuts mean couties pick up the tax bill, officials say

Nicole Sanseverino August 29, 2011

As the federal government and Texas Legislature shave millions off their operating budgets, the cost for vital programs and services — including Health and Human Services and the courts — are...

Hot Sauce Festival benefits area food bank

Omar Gamboa August 29, 2011

A hot day in the triple digits didn’t stop people from enjoying a diverse range of even hotter sauces Sunday afternoon. The Austin Chronicle hosted the 21st annual Hot Sauce Festival at Waterloo...

Study shows women use handguns for defense, self-empowerment

Victoria Pagan August 26, 2011

Fewer women than men in the U.S. hold concealed handgun licenses and women who do carry them do so for self-defense and a need to feel empowered, according to a study by sociology graduate student Angela...

Austin reaches closer to goal of more renewable energy

Jillian Bliss August 26, 2011

City council members voted unanimously Wednesday to support a contract that will bring more renewable energy to Austin. Austin Energy currently purchases energy from five West Texas wind farms, enough...

Austin living boasts third best for single women

Allie Kolechta August 26, 2011

Austin has all the single ladies flocking to its Sixth Street nightlife, its single men and its creative, quirky atmosphere, according to data released last week by CBS. Based on data collected by,...

Proclamation honors 20 years of Austin music prestige

Nina Hernandez August 26, 2011

The Austin City Council marked the 20th anniversary of its city’s self-declared reign as Live Music Capital of the World with a celebration honoring the original music commission, which helped create...

Longhorn Network to launch today without Central Texas distributor

Victoria Pagan August 26, 2011

The Longhorn Network landed its first broadcasting contract with a cable provider yesterday, but some fans may not be able to tune in tonight in time for the 6 p.m. launch. Yesterday, the Longhorn Network,...

Entertainment industry continues to bring artistic dollars to Austin

Jillian Bliss August 26, 2011

Most UT students studying fine arts and film aren’t millionaires, but their field of interest brings millions of dollars to Austin. According to economic studies from 2001 to 2006 released by the...

Texas power grid operator urges conservation

The Associated Press August 25, 2011

AUSTIN — The manager of the state’s power grid is again urging Texans to conserve electricity as extreme heat pushes demand near record levels. The Electric Reliability Council of Texas initiated...

Beat the heat

Liz Farmer August 24, 2011

Today will be the 70th day this year with a temperature in the triple digits in Austin, breaking the record of 69 set in 1925, according to the National Weather Service website. These sustained high temperatures...

Downtown parking meters will get tougher on weekends

Jillian Bliss August 24, 2011

Extended parking meter hours for the downtown area will go into effect next month. Based on last week’s city council vote, the city will enforce metered street parking from 1st to 10th streets between...

Austin lawyer arrested on racketeering charges

The Associated Press August 24, 2011

McALLEN — An Austin attorney was arrested Monday on federal racketeering charges alleging bribery of an already-convicted judge as well as witnesses in state and federal cases. Marc Rosenthal’s...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin