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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan


Urban Roots offers opportunity to give back to community

Jasmin Sun January 31, 2011

Unlike the majority of her peers, Eastside Memorial High School sophomore Darriyan Kent wasn’t sleeping off the previous school week on this gray and cloudless Saturday morning. Dressed to work in...

SG committee connects students with mayor’s office

Joe Layton January 28, 2011

A new Student Government committee will attempt to bridge the gap between the city and the University by tackling Austin issues that could impact students. The Mayor’s Student Advisory Council includes...

City opens green training facilities

Allison Kroll January 27, 2011

High ceilings made of wood, steel and other recyclable materials muffle the sound of firing handguns, rifles and machine guns in a new shooting range designed to improve Austin Police Department’s performance...

Globetrotters to show off ‘four-point shot’

William James January 27, 2011

The legendary Harlem Globetrotters will show off their new four-point shot in the “4 Times the Fun” showcase at the Frank Erwin Center on Friday. Harlem Globetrotter Aundre “Hot Shot” Branch said...

Mayor, City Council subject of county attorney inquiry

William James January 26, 2011

Travis County Attorney David Escamilla will lead an inquiry into whether Austin Mayor Lee Leffingwell and city council members violated the Texas Open Meetings Act by discussing how they plan to...

Plans to place parking meters in neighborhoods put on hold

Joe Layton January 26, 2011

The city is delaying a plan to install new parking meters in the West Campus area until stakeholders finalize plans for a city-wide implementation program. The delay may last 6-9 months. The Parking...

Runners put on gorilla suits to raise money for primates

Lauren Giudice January 24, 2011

More than 700 runners departed from Austin City Hall for a 5K on Saturday, but this was not your normal race. The first Austin Gorilla Run benefited the endangered mountain gorillas in Africa by...

Annual count lifts veil on Austin’s homeless

Becki Brown January 23, 2011

More than 200 volunteers gathered at the UT School of Social Work on Sunday before breaking into groups to conduct the annual Travis County Homeless Count. Volunteers met at the headquarters...

Rio Grande construction expected to last until August 2012

Joe Layton January 23, 2011

Traveling down Rio Grande Street is even more difficult than usual because of a construction project that a city spokeswoman said is expected to continue until August 2012. The construction...

Finalists selected for police monitor

Aziza Musa December 8, 2010

The four finalists in the running for the city’s next police monitor all seek to administer one change if selected for office: more public outreach. The city created the position, along...

Lake Patrol brings service offshore

Aziza Musa December 7, 2010

Unlike the Austin Police Department’s area command patrol, the agency’s Lake Patrol Unit takes a more service-oriented approach to enforcing the law. Austin Lake Patrol ­—...

Lake Patrol brings service offshore

Aziza Musa December 7, 2010

Unlike the Austin Police Department’s area command patrol, the agency’s Lake Patrol Unit takes a more service-oriented approach to enforcing the law. Austin Lake Patrol ­—...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin