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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan


Federal rules endanger state health care

Yvonne Marquez November 24, 2010

Texas could be barred from administering some of its health care programs if it does not have an operating health insurance exchange for the unemployed and underinsured that passes a 2013 federal review,...

Travis County Republican calls for recount of Texas House race

Nolan Hicks November 24, 2010

Republican Dan Neil announced Tuesday that he would request a recount of the ballots of the race against incumbent state Rep. Donna Howard, an Austin Democrat. The Neil campaign, which expects the recount...

Blood drive pits A&M against UT

Emily Sides November 24, 2010

As Thursday’s football game against the Aggies approaches, the rivalry between UT and Texas A&M University deepens as the Blood and Tissue Center of Central Texas gives a new meaning to the tradition. The...

Budget cuts push students to speak for departments

Audrey White November 23, 2010

Fewer than two weeks after the College of Liberal Arts recommended cuts to centers and institutions, more than 100 UT students, faculty and staff attended the second meeting of a new organization Monday...

Discouraged fans put hope in the hex

Allie Kolechta November 22, 2010

The same red candle that has illuminated the Main Mall during hex rallies for more than 20 years lit the night for about 2,000 students at this year’s event on Monday. The Texas Exes student chapter...

‘Beloved’ theater instructor to be honored with memorial

Lauren Giudice November 22, 2010

Oscar G. Brockett, a former theater instructor and professor emeritus at UT, will be honored with a memorial service on Dec. 11 in the B. Iden Payne Theatre in the F. Loren Winship Drama Building. “He...

City to install car plug-in stations at civic buildings

Shivam Purohit November 22, 2010

City facilities around Austin will soon be equipped with electric car plug-in stations, said an Austin Energy spokesman. Austin Energy partnered with California-based Coulomb Technologies, an electric...

Research nets professor award for drug research

Anna Fata November 22, 2010

A pharmacy professor earned a $10,000 award for his research that will help maximize the efficiency of pharmaceutical drugs. The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council of the Americas Foundation...

Author critiques Texas justice system

Lauren Giudice November 22, 2010

Since the 1960s, Texas’ criminal justice system has become a blueprint for other states’ prison reform efforts — a trend that author Robert Perkinson said leaves the public no safer and wastes its money. Perkinson,...

DREAM allies join hunger strike

Audrey White November 22, 2010

Eight UT students will join a statewide hunger strike in support of the DREAM Act. Their primary aim for the strike is to urge Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, to support the legislation, they said. The...

Commission follows ban with retailer investigation

Collin Eaton November 22, 2010

Four days after the federal government banned popular caffeine-alcohol brews such as Four Loko, University police have not noticed an unusual amount of wild binge drinking and the Texas Alcoholic Beverage...

‘Mega-gifts’ propel fundraising efforts

Collin Eaton November 22, 2010

UT’s capital campaign raised more than $134.5 million in private donations and pledges in the second quarter of 2010 — the largest amount received among 36 universities surveyed for a report released...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin