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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan


Forum on graduation rates encourages student input

Andrew Messamore September 28, 2011

[Updated on Sep. 28 at 12:58 a.m., corrected graduation percentages] In order to obtain student input for the task force working to increase the four-year graduation rate, the Liberal Arts Council and...

Natural Sciences Week informs and entertains students

Brianna Pelayo September 27, 2011

In an attempt to bring more students and organizations together to learn about opportunities offered on campus, the College of Natural Sciences has put together Natural Sciences Week, a fun and informing...

Professor drives research of humanoid robots

Nina Hernandez September 27, 2011

Watching machines completely independent of human manipulation face off on the soccer field is one way for non-computer science majors to understand the real world capabilities of artificial intelligence...

UTPD offers women’s self defense classes

Nina Hernandez September 27, 2011

Out of the one in 12 college males who have committed a sexual assault, 84 percent did not think it was rape, said UT police officer Ashley Griffin during a women’s defense class Monday. According...

University Health Services campaign provides flu shots to campus community

Nick Hadjigeorge September 27, 2011

With the high temperatures lasting into the fall, it may not feel like the flu season is fast approaching. But University Health Services is taking precautionary measures against the virus through a campaign...

Latin major given chance for redemption

Jillian Bliss September 27, 2011

Members of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board directed UT officials to remove a major in a present-day language last week, but allowed the University to retain a major in the defunct language...

Alumnus General Cone visits campus

Sarah Lawson September 26, 2011

According to the highest ranking alumnus in the U.S. army, four-star general Robert W. Cone, UT is changing the world through its research studies and by implementing that research in the field. Cone...

Texas Tribune Festival features speakers on various national issues

Jillian Bliss September 26, 2011

The Texas Tribune Festival brought influential speakers from around the world to the UT campus for discussion of critical national issues - including Longhorn football. Hosted by the Texas Tribune, an...

UT, state officials discuss opening medical school in Austin

Liz Farmer September 26, 2011

[Corrected Sept. 26: Changed cost of educating a resident] Editor’s note: This is the third in a four-part, weekly series examining System Chancellor Francisco Cigarroa’s plan to increase...

Lecture series explores relation between memory and the future

Sylvia Butanda September 26, 2011

Memories directly affect day-to-day actions and therefore help predict the futures, said Alison Preston, an assistant psychology and neurobiology professor. Preston lectured during the Hot Science-Cool...

Conference emphasizes need for UT sustainability

Allison Harris September 26, 2011

President William Powers Jr. emphasized the importance of reducing long-term environmental impact at the University in a speech he gave at the second university-wide sustainability conference Friday. He...

Education professor receives prestigious award for ‘developing future educators’

Shreya Banerjee September 23, 2011

The annual Elizabeth Shatto Massey Award for Excellence in Teacher Education recognizes UT professors considered exceptional by faculty and alumni, and those bestowing the award deem the 2011 recipient...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin