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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan


UT should increase their diversity of summer camp programs

UT should increase their diversity of summer camp programs

Michael Zhang, Columnist April 26, 2022
Columnist Michael Zhang urges UT to increase the diversity of their offered summer camp programs.
Expand financial aid for first-gen students

Expand financial aid for first-gen students

Lucero Ponce, Senior Columnist April 25, 2022
Senior columnist Lucero Ponce calls on the University to increase availability of financial aid for first generation students to help them overcome financial barriers.
Assign students to visit or volunteer at nonprofit organizations

Assign students to visit or volunteer at nonprofit organizations

Thasin Kamal, Columnist April 25, 2022
Columnist Thasin Kamal urges professors who teach courses that are social sciences and humanities based to assign their students to visit or volunteer at a non-profit organization or similar place at least once during the semester.
Texas Athletics should provide a public ESG report of current sponsors

Texas Athletics should provide a public ESG report of current sponsors

Michael Lazenby, Columnist April 21, 2022
Senior columnist Michael Lazenby urges Texas Athletics to have a report of their sponsor’s environmental and social considerations on their website.
Students shouldn’t have to pay to print

Students shouldn’t have to pay to print

Rachel Kunzi, Columnist April 21, 2022
Columnist Rachel Kunzi calls on UT administration to listen to its students and either make printing at UT libraries free or offer printing credits to every student.
UT, increase fellowship benefits for grad students

UT, increase fellowship benefits for grad students

Justice DuBois, Columnist April 21, 2022
Columnist Justice DuBois urges UT to provide more fellowship benefits for graduate students to account for the cost of Austin living.
Require a negative COVID-19 test result before commencement

Require a negative COVID-19 test result before commencement

Alyssa Ramos, Columnist April 20, 2022
Columnist Alyssa Ramos calls on UT to add a negative COVID-19 test result before commencement takes place so that students and their guests can be comfortable during the ceremony.
Provide students with comprehensive class resources

Provide students with comprehensive class resources

Thasin Kamal, Columnist April 20, 2022
Columnist Thasin Kamal urges professors to provide students with comprehensive resources so they do not miss out on all the benefits of class materials due to inaccessibility.
Install filter status indicators on all drinking fountains

Install filter status indicators on all drinking fountains

Michael Lazenby, Columnist April 19, 2022
Senior columnist Michael Lazenby urges the University to display water filtration status.
Allow students to create merchandise for the Co-op

Allow students to create merchandise for the Co-op

Alyssa Ramos, Columnist April 19, 2022
Columnist Alyssa Ramos calls on UT to form a partnership with the Co-op to allow students to develop their products as well as get real-world experience.
UT, partner with a food delivery company

UT, partner with a food delivery company

Michael Lazenby, Columnist April 19, 2022
Senior columnist Michael Lazenby calls for the University to pursue a partnership with a third-party delivery company in order to reduce students’ fees.
Add more COVID-19 precautions to Family Weekend

Add more COVID-19 precautions to Family Weekend

Sarah Brager, Columnist April 17, 2022
Columnist Sarah Brager urges the University to require either a negative COVID-19 test or proof of vaccination status for Family Weekend visitors.
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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin