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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan


Offer three-credit-hour classes for all beginner foreign language courses

Offer three-credit-hour classes for all beginner foreign language courses

Emma Vrana, Columnist October 6, 2021
Columnist Emma Vrana urges UT to offer additional three-credit-hour beginner foreign language courses
Dining hall labor shortage must be addressed

Dining hall labor shortage must be addressed

Faith DuFresne, Columnist October 5, 2021
Columnist Faith DuFresne urges UT to focus on filling in the labor shortage in dining halls as the effects strain the student body and staff.
Remove ‘The Eyes of Texas’ from the UT Class Ring

Remove ‘The Eyes of Texas’ from the UT Class Ring

Sebastian Casas, Columnist October 4, 2021
Columnist Sebastian Casas argues that the University should remove racist lyrics from the Official Class Ring.
Student organizations should have fewer barriers to participation

Student organizations should have fewer barriers to participation

Mia Abbe, Columnist October 4, 2021
Columnist Mia Abbe argues UT student organizations should take the growing student population into their recruitment processes.
UGS courses must be standardized

UGS courses must be standardized

Zayam Tariq, Columnist September 29, 2021
Columnist Zayam Tariq urges the School of Undergraduate Studies to standardize the difficulty of classes in their Signature Courses program.
Showcase student creativity through student-commissioned art

Showcase student creativity through student-commissioned art

Tanya Raghu, Columnist September 29, 2021
Columnist Tanya Raghu argues that in addition to contemporary art featured on campus, promoting and funding student work could encourage creativity.
Raise awareness about rideshare services for handicapped students

Raise awareness about rideshare services for handicapped students

Zayam Tariq, Columnist September 29, 2021
Columnist Zayam Tariq urges UT to better promote the various rideshare services that exist around campus.
Address burnout culture on campus

Address burnout culture on campus

Michael Zhang, Columnist September 29, 2021
Columnist Michael Zhang urges UT to change testing norms to address burnout culture.
Include information about SURE Walk on syllabi

Include information about SURE Walk on syllabi

Michael Lazenby, Columnist September 26, 2021
Columnist Michael Lazenby calls for professors to consider adding information about UT’s SURE Walk program on their syllabi to help keep students safe and informed.
Increase funding to support international students

Increase funding to support international students

Megan Tran, Associate Editor September 26, 2021
Associate editor Megan Tran encourages UT to better support international students and allocate more funding to International Student and Scholar Services.
UT, provide more blood donation opportunities

UT, provide more blood donation opportunities

Hillary Ma, Columnist September 22, 2021
Columnist Hillary Ma urges UT to allow more facilities to host blood donations
Reduce football stadium capacity

Reduce football stadium capacity

Safa Michigan, Forum Editor September 22, 2021
Forum editor Safa Michigan asks the University to reduce the stadium capacity for fall football games to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin