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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Firing Lines


No thanks, no giving: Thanksgiving story masks hard reality

Tane Ward November 25, 2019

In traditions all over the world, the last harvest of the season marks a celebration for giving thanks. In our colonial society, the holiday is based on the narrative of a puritan sect of English refugees...


It happens here: many students experience food insecurity

Annelise Flores November 4, 2019

One in four students at the University of Texas will struggle with food insecurity. Twenty-five percent. That’s roughly 10,000 students in the undergraduate school alone. I, like many others,...


Immigrants need students’ support, not their apathy

Samuel Ma September 23, 2019

In May 2018, the number of people deemed inadmissible or apprehended at the United States-Mexican border was 51,862 — average for the time. In May 2019, 144,278 people were given the same status,...


ICE raids force immigrants to confront painful questions

Diego Cervantes September 23, 2019

Consultations with my clients have taken a more somber tone since the expansion of the expedited removal rule. If a noncitizen comes in contact with Immigration and Customs Enforcement anywhere in the...

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Student Government will make zero waste a priority

Caroline Garnett September 9, 2019

Most students have heard of UT’s zero waste 2020 goal, which aims for 90% of all waste produced on campus to be diverted — that is composted or sent to recycling instead of being sent to a...

The Center for Women in Law values all women in the law

As the Executive Committee of the Center for Women in Law, we were greatly disturbed by an article in The Daily Texan that portrays our Center in an inflammatory light. While university practice forbids...


Please take a more nuanced look at transparency at UT

J.B. Bird November 12, 2018

Editor’s note: The following letter to the editor is in response to a story The Daily Texan published November 1, regarding the University’s public information practices. While not every detail...

My strong support for net neutrality

Rep. Lloyd Doggett March 5, 2018

As a longtime advocate for a free and open internet for all, I have consistently supported net neutrality, which provides a level playing field for small businesses and entrepreneurs to compete, while...

Institute for Transformational Learning drives academic innovation

Steven Mintz February 19, 2018

Higher education institutions face a choice: Play offense, play defense or stand on the sidelines. The UT System, through its Institute for Transformational Learning (ITL), chose to play offense and address...

Waller Creek remains a priority

Jim Walker February 19, 2018

I really like seeing coverage of Waller Creek in the Daily Texan and want to add some information to your story from Feb. 1. Waller Creek is indeed an important resource for the Austin community, as...

A better grading system is possible

Eric Pianka February 17, 2018

Some defend grade inflation by labeling those who uphold academic standards as “grade deflators.” Nonsense — this argument is vacuous and without merit. While the...


Cycling should be encouraged

Tristan Hienen October 20, 2017

The Texan's 10/12 piece "Cyclists Don't Often Follow Rules of Road" misstates rules of the road. Despite certain UTPD officer’s progressive stance to allow cyclists to roll through...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin