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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

All content by Alex Raisch

ACL may repeat smoking ban

Alex Raisch September 7, 2012

Smokers attending the Austin City Limits music festival may be constrained for the second year in a row because of a burn ban set for all of Travis County. The Travis County Commissioners Court approved...

UT Energy Institute Creates Three-Person Panel To Review Controversial Fracking Study

Alex Raisch August 27, 2012

After an insurgence of public doubt, UT has named a three-person panel to review geology professor Charles Groat’s research study on hydraulic fracturing, a gas extraction method. Groat failed to...

McCombs study identifies challenges faced by Hispanic business owners

Alex Raisch August 27, 2012

A new survey by the McCombs School of Business has identified specific challenges faced by Hispanic business owners in Texas. The study was performed by mail-in survey to Hispanic businesses in Texas...

UT scientists develop world’s smallest laser

Alex Raisch August 1, 2012

UT physics researchers have created the world’s smallest nanolaser that could lead to faster and more efficient circuits. Collaborating with researchers from China and Taiwan’s National Tsing...

UT psychological study sheds light on links in knowledge

Alex Raisch July 19, 2012

A memory means more than a record of events and might even influence how humans perceive and interpret new information to make decisions, according to a new UT psychology study. Alison Preston, assistant...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin