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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

All content by Alina Agha

University needs to increase awareness of binge drinking

Alina Agha May 3, 2017

Drinking and partying are significant parts of our culture here at UT. You’ll never find Sixth Street quiet on a Thursday night, and you’re sure to hear the sounds of music and parties throughout...

Health should come before soda industry profits

Alina Agha April 19, 2017

Last summer Philadelphia became the first big city in the nation to pass the “soda tax” — a tax designed to help reduce the consumption of sugary or carbonated drinks in the U.S. —...


Electronics ban wastes effort to improve security

Alina Agha March 29, 2017

Last week, U.S. government officials informed airlines that they must require passengers flying in from 10 airports to check certain personal electronic items, and must not allow them to take these items...


Spring break alcohol ban legic proves fallacious

Alina Agha March 8, 2017

Spring break is notorious for many things, excessive drinking and partying being at the top of the list. Typically, it is also accompanied by rowdy behavior, illegal drug use and other forms of crime. In...


Students should be able to walk in the fall for commencement ceremony

Alina Agha February 22, 2017

Graduation ceremonies celebrate the incredible achievements of one’s college experience, and mark the beginning of the next part of students’ lives. Whether you’re starting a new job...

Young girls deserve to know they too can succeed

Alina Agha February 1, 2017

Do you remember when you decided what to study in college, or picked a career? Perhaps it was in high school, or maybe you still haven’t figured it out. You probably don’t think it was at the...

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Partisanship puts women’s health in danger

Alina Agha November 9, 2016

Last week, March of Dimes, a foundation committed to preventing birth defects and infant mortality, released a report card in which the United States scored a C for preterm birth rates. Not only did these...

Human Trafficking_WEB

Human trafficking council gives voice to victims

Alina Agha October 27, 2016

Around the world, over 20 million people have been victims of human trafficking, and Texas ranks second in the U.S. for the highest number of trafficking cases. Austin — being conveniently placed...


Bee crisis warrants serious discussion

Alina Agha October 12, 2016

Last week seven species of Hawaiian bees were named endangered. These were the first bees in the U.S. to be placed under the protection of the Endangered Species Act, which aims to conserve threatened...


Doctors must prescribe antibiotics carefully

Alina Agha September 28, 2016

Last week the United Nations General Assembly held a high-level meeting where 193 countries pledged to fight the threat of “superbugs,” antibiotic-resistant infections that stemmed from antibiotic...


Competitive organizations must embrace quiet personalities

Alina Agha September 14, 2016

With more than 50,000 students and over 1,300 student organizations at UT, you would expect that there is a place for everyone to fit in. But for some students, finding the right organization — or...


International students need greater resources to thrive at UT

Alina Agha August 30, 2016

This year the University of Texas welcomed its largest freshman class to date — more than 8,500 wide-eyed, eager students ready to make their mark on the 40 Acres. Nearly all are your average American...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin