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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

All content by André Williams

SSD’s accommodations process must be streamlined

André Williams April 1, 2020

Editor’s note: This column was written before the closure of the UT campus due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Its content may or may not reflect the current reality of student life on campus. We believe it...


Open letter to faculty and leadership on grading policy

André Williams March 24, 2020

Dear University leaders, faculty and staff, As I sit at home with my family, I realize how starkly different my reality is from those of many of my peers. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, my life...


UT must be proactive in outreach for disability accommodations

André Williams March 9, 2020

Success on campus isn’t simply the result of hard work. Students can’t outwork a lack of resources. For students with disabilities, having proper resources is instrumental in achieving success. The...


Election day must be an excused absence to encourage student voting

André Williams March 3, 2020

Have you noticed the campaign posters that decorate the entrance to the Perry-Castañeda Library? Have you been stopped by someone offering you an information packet on a candidate running for election?...


Unforgiving attendance policies are classist, racist

André Williams February 21, 2020

According to the official UT website regarding attendance policies, “regular attendance at all class meetings is expected. Instructors are responsible for implementing an attendance policy and must...


“People of color” does not describe the Black experience

André Williams February 12, 2020

Here at UT, I can look around the classroom and see many people of color, but very rarely are there other Black students. The lack of representation is a problem felt among many in the Black community...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin