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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

All content by Arushi Mathavan

Extend the Q-drop deadline, expand academic opportunities

Arushi Mathavan December 5, 2018

As finals season creeps up, UT students scramble to save their GPAs.  Students flood libraries and outdoor study spaces to prepare for final exams all while worrying about passing classes. Students...


Jewish students need menorahs in residence halls this Hanukkah

Arushi Mathavan November 30, 2018

From Dec. 2 through Dec. 10, Jewish students across campus celebrate Hanukkah. Hanukkah holds significant historic and cultural significance to the Jewish community, and a key aspect of the holiday is...


UT can prevent future tragedies by educating students about drunk driving

Arushi Mathavan November 20, 2018

The thing about tragedy is you never think it will happen to you — until it does. Drunk driving is a problem that never seems to get solved. Over a span of 30 days, approximately 30 percent of...

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McCombs students need to pursue creativity, think outside the box

Arushi Mathavan November 14, 2018

The business world is lightning-fast. The moment one revolutionary company is born, 20 other companies die out. With such rapid technological changes and the constant evolution of industries, business...


Extra bottles after the water crisis? Donate them to Austinites in need

Arushi Mathavan November 7, 2018

For seven long days, the city-wide water crisis wreaked havoc on the lives of 880,000 Austinites. People scrambled to find clean bottled water amid empty grocery shelves and overpriced water cases. Many...


Students with voting restrictions still wield political power

Arushi Mathavan October 31, 2018

Go out and vote. Translate your political opinion into action, and cast your vote as an informed, responsible citizen — if you can.  Although voting is absolutely integral to the democratic...

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Game-goers need sustainable, convenient water sources

Arushi Mathavan October 24, 2018

You’re at a football game cheering your heart and lungs out as UT lands another touchdown when you feel the familiar thirst scratch at the back of your throat. You need water.  At this point,...


Get high on health with herbal substitutes

Arushi Mathavan October 16, 2018

You’re sick — it’s the common cold, a bad headache, indigestion or some other inconvenience. Without any official cure, your best bet is to get rest, maybe take some symptom-relieving...


UT lacks cultural authenticity in cuisine

Arushi Mathavan October 11, 2018

Food has evolved tremendously beyond being mere nutrients necessary to sustain life to becoming a ritual. It is pivotal to one’s cultural identity and helps retain connections to family traditions....


Students need 24-hour access to hygiene products

Arushi Mathavan October 10, 2018

A period waits for no one. It doesn’t matter if you’re studying for a midterm at 3 a.m., going for a jog at seven in the evening or waking up at 2 p.m. on a Sunday afternoon. When it happens,...

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Make elevators accessible for students who need them

Arushi Mathavan October 8, 2018

Most people take the choice between climbing stairs or taking the elevator for granted, but many differently abled people experience no such luxury. For them, elevators are a necessity. In 2015, a Pew...


Let’s repel mosquitoes with more bug spray on campus

Arushi Mathavan September 25, 2018

After so much rain, it’s finally bright and beautiful at UT — yet so many students remain cooped inside all day.  One of the biggest drawbacks to studying outside of a cafe or casually...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin