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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

All content by Eva Strelitz-Block
UT students should have access to art supplies

UT students should have access to art supplies

Eva Strelitz-Block May 5, 2021
Columnist Eva Strelitz-Block calls for students to have access to art supplies to support their mental health.
UT should take steps to student reduce stress in roommate choice process

UT should take steps to student reduce stress in roommate choice process

Eva Strelitz-Block April 28, 2021
Columnist Eva Strelitz-Block urges UT to center student experience in on-campus dorm roommate choice process.
Give students more personal autonomy over their textbook costs

Give students more personal autonomy over their textbook costs

Eva Strelitz-Block April 23, 2021
Columnist Eva Strelitz-Block calls for a change in Longhorn Textbook Access Operation.
Include lab content refreshers when fall classes resume

Include lab content refreshers when fall classes resume

Eva Strelitz-Block April 14, 2021
Columnist Eva Strelitz-Block calls for lab content refreshers before the fall semester to set students up for success.
Centralize COVID-19 information with campuswide informational module

Centralize COVID-19 information with campuswide informational module

Eva Strelitz-Block April 7, 2021
Columnist Eva Strelitz-Block urges UT to enhance student engagement with the Protect Texas Together website.
Specific GroupMe guidelines would clarify murky waters of academic integrity

Specific GroupMe guidelines would clarify murky waters of academic integrity

Eva Strelitz-Block April 1, 2021
Columnist Eva Strelitz-Block urges professors to make explicit GroupMe guidelines for students to follow and include them in their syllabi.
Expand mask distribution

Expand mask distribution

Eva Strelitz-Block March 29, 2021
Columnist Eva Strelitz-Block urges UT to support masking on campus as the pandemic continues.

Bring Emotional Support Animal letter service to campus

Eva Strelitz-Block March 4, 2021

Recently, emotional support animals (ESAs) — animals that provide therapeutic benefits to their owners, including reducing anxiety and depression — have become a significant component of how...


UT should implement incentivization policy for course instructor surveys

Eva Strelitz-Block February 25, 2021

Towards the end of the semester, students are often flooded with emails from professors encouraging them to complete a Course Instructor Survey (CIS) to provide feedback on their course experience. For...


Expand priority registration

Eva Strelitz-Block February 15, 2021

In both culture and policy, university life tends to be tailored to the “traditional” student who enters college ready for a four-year, full-time student experience.  Nontraditional...


Academic counselors need connection, too

Eva Strelitz-Block February 5, 2021

At UT, there is no “one-stop shop” for students in need of academic advising. In order for students to find their academic way on the Forty Acres, they have to first figure out where exactly...


UT must support its undergraduate student-parents

Eva Strelitz-Block January 28, 2021

Despite one in five undergraduate students in the U.S. also raising children while enrolled at their secondary institution, the number of undergraduate student-parents at UT is relatively unknown. This...


Kinesiology is a science and should be treated as such

Eva Strelitz-Block December 2, 2020

One-third of all students studying in the Department of Kinesiology and Health Education plan to go to physical therapy school after completing their undergraduate degrees, said John Bartholomew. However,...

Juwon Yoo_Declare

Reconsider admissions to major

Eva Strelitz-Block November 23, 2020

Every student at UT should have the freedom and time to determine the academic pathway that is right for them. Studies have shown that giving students more time to develop their interests before choosing...


Student voices can be valuable assets for creating curriculum

Eva Strelitz-Block November 13, 2020

As a pre-med College of Liberal Arts major, I’ve always sought opportunities for multidisciplinary learning. Unfortunately, I’ve come to realize that if I want to satisfy my major and pre-professional...


Foreign language departments, offer pre-semester workshops for new students

Eva Strelitz-Block November 5, 2020

Depending on their AP or IB scores, undergraduates can claim course credit for the introductory sequences in most foreign language classes taught at UT. In fact, students who score a 5 on their AP language...

Carly Phoon Job fair

COLA students need more support for career planning

Eva Strelitz-Block October 30, 2020

COVID-19, like the 2008 Great Recession, will likely constrain all graduating Longhorns’ job prospects for years to come. There is precedent for this concern: Graduates who entered the job market...

Taylor Sweet

The challenges of group work in virtual school

Eva Strelitz-Block October 23, 2020

I know I’m not the only one who thinks group projects are a nightmare in the era of e-learning. Like many students, I approach course-related “group work” with considerable trepidation.  While...


Don’t leave students on the hook for study abroad travel expenses

Eva Strelitz-Block October 15, 2020

In March, UT abruptly canceled all study abroad programs. This week, Texas Global informed students via a website update that they will “monitor the viability of programs in November and February...


Undergraduate research must be fully integrated into COLA

Eva Strelitz-Block October 8, 2020

The UT College of Natural Sciences’ Freshman Research Initiative is the nation’s largest undergraduate scientific research program. Over 900 CNS students participate in the program each year....


UT students deserve reproductive choice

Eva Strelitz-Block October 2, 2020

Today, pseudoscience is being used to limit UT students’ access to abortion at University Health Services. UT students should campaign for the legislative change necessary to remedy this infringement...

Helen Brown_election

UT must make Election Day noninstructional

Eva Strelitz-Block September 26, 2020

COVID-19 continues to upend every aspect of life on the Forty Acres. As the Nov. 3 Election Day approaches, UT must mitigate the pandemic’s potential to disrupt students’ ability to participate...

Eva image admissions

Do away with standardized testing scores

Eva Strelitz-Block September 20, 2020

Amid all of the challenges of COVID-19, the pandemic has accelerated innovation and overdue change in some areas. COVID-19 disrupted students’ access to standardized testing this spring and summer,...


Doctors as advocates for social change: there is a skill for that

Eva Strelitz-Block September 10, 2020

This summer, the convergence of two pandemics — coronavirus and racism — has brought new urgency to the conversation, both nationally and here on the Forty Acres, regarding systemic inequities...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin