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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

All content by Helen Hansen

Time commitment insufficient for student success

Helen Hansen December 6, 2011

Corps members of Teach for America, a nonprofit organization that recruits talented young college graduates and puts them in low-performing schools for two-year periods, “could make up one-quarter...

Standard but not equal

Helen Hansen November 18, 2011

The past decade has seen a growing movement to remove the SAT from college admissions requirements. In its place, colleges and universities would require applicants to take three or four SAT subject tests....

In case of emergency

Helen Hansen November 11, 2011

If you were comatose in a hospital, wouldn’t you want your parents to know? Alarmingly, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) prevents hospitals from releasing any...

Consider students when addressing jaywalking

Helen Hansen November 4, 2011

Last week, the Austin Police Department began cracking down on jaywalking with a focus on Guadalupe Street, according to an article in The Daily Texan. The two-week campaign is a response to the 17 pedestrians...

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag?

Helen Hansen October 28, 2011

It is not often that one recognizes a significant turning point in history while it is happening — yet here we are. Right now in Austin, change is a-brewing. We are in the midst of a vicious turmoil...

Study abroad not a panacea

Helen Hansen October 26, 2011

The intriguing results of a study conducted by the UT Study Abroad Office found that 60 percent of UT students who study abroad graduate in four years, compared to 45 percent of non-participants, according...

What are we to do in a world without Steve Jobs?

Helen Hansen October 14, 2011

It has been a little over a week since the death of Steve Jobs. In that time we have mourned the passing of a true genius, remembered his numerous and varied accomplishments and replayed clips of that...

It’s time to put your faith in Rick Perry

Helen Hansen October 7, 2011

Gov. Rick Perry should be the Republican candidate in the 2012 presidential election. I have read plenty of anti-Perry columns attacking him for education budget cuts; I have heard the critics question...

Respect the classical tradition

Helen Hansen September 30, 2011

The classics department received a horrible blow last week after the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board denied the department a temporary extension to continue offering a Greek degree program, as...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin