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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

All content by Holly Heinrich

A university divided

Holly Heinrich June 16, 2011

Four different U.S. congressmen will represent students living on and around the UT campus, effectively shattering the voting power of a student body numbering 50,000, under the congressional map passed...

Pay attention, be vocal

Holly Heinrich May 1, 2011

As summer approaches it’s tempting to let thoughts of the University slip into the back of our minds. But if you’ve been advocating for higher education at the Capitol, it’s time to...

Taking politics out of higher ed

Holly Heinrich April 25, 2011

  Texas universities are vulnerable to the shifting winds of politics. Proposed cuts to higher education funding, the controversial “breakthrough solutions” supported by Gov. Rick...

Cutting into the bone

Holly Heinrich April 21, 2011

The legacies of our high school educations can follow us to college, determining how easily we transition and how well we perform. In Texas, as in much of the United States, the quality of a public...

Those who speak, those who vote

Holly Heinrich March 20, 2011

    When it comes to politics, two groups hold most of the power: those who give money and those who act. Since college students are notoriously strapped for cash, it is unlikely that...

Invest in students’ futures now

Holly Heinrich March 6, 2011

    What if the year you were born determined whether you went to college? What if you came of age in a year when state government stopped offering the financial aid you needed? Imagine...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin