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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

All content by Hunter Littleton
Open-note exams mean open minds

Open-note exams mean open minds

Hunter Littleton May 5, 2021
Columnist Hunter Littleton urges professors to continue allowing open-note exams even after classes return to an in-person setting.
Provide end-of-semester feedback

Provide end-of-semester feedback

Hunter Littleton April 25, 2021
Columnist Hunter Littleton recommends UT encourage instructors to provide students with greater feedback through an end-of-semester evaluation form.
Students need expanded campus shuttle operations on the weekend

Students need expanded campus shuttle operations on the weekend

Hunter Littleton April 2, 2021
Columnist Hunter Littleton urges UT and Capitol Metro to focus on expanding weekend shuttle service.
Let students claim credit for community service

Let students claim credit for community service

Hunter Littleton March 29, 2021
Columnist Hunter Littleton calls on UT to do more to cultivate a culture of service and allow students to claim credit hours for community involvement.

Professors should invite guest lecturers to their classes

Hunter Littleton March 5, 2021

Lecture-based classes are a common part of the college experience. Within these settings, professors hold a firm grip on the ebbs and flows of the learning environment. However, in this kind of academic...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin