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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

All content by Jennifer Berke

Poetry on the Plaza takes up winter theme

Jennifer Berke December 1, 2011

Austin residents don’t get very many chances to experience a winter-esque setting in their hometown, so they must use a lot of their imagination when recreating winter themed poems in their minds,...

UT falls low on startup company survey

Jennifer Berke December 1, 2011

The Association of University Technology Managers surveyed a variety of institutions whose research led to the creation of new companies in the fiscal year of 2010. UT Austin did not score high on the...

Dinosaur tracks preserved in new exhibit

Jennifer Berke November 17, 2011

Efforts to save the Glen Rose dinosaur tracks from extinction and to preserve them for generations to come are in the works because of the Texas Natural Science Center and outside donors. The British...

National EAS test assesses reliability and effectiveness of system

Jennifer Berke November 10, 2011

Radio stations and TV channels all over the country aired a nationwide Emergency Alert System test Wednesday to unify communication in the case of a national emergency. The Federal Emergency Management...

UT Scientist Explores Eastern Mediterranean Ocean

Jennifer Berke November 10, 2011

A UT senior research scientist will be spending the next eight days exploring the Mediterranean waters from offshore Haifa to offshore Gaza Strip. Senior research scientist James Austin Jr. from the Institute...

One-page form makes student loan costs clear, upfront

Jennifer Berke October 27, 2011

Students may be able to better understand the student loan and debt repayment process because of a new initiative to ease student loan debt processes. On Wednesday, the Obama administration discussed...

Zagat Ranks Austin #2 No. City Where People Eat Out Most

Jennifer Berke October 27, 2011

Austin residents dine out more often than most city residents, according to Zagat’s 2012 America’s Top Restaurants Guide. Austin ranked second on the survey, distributed by referral and rating...

Viewers examine music, architecture intersection

Jennifer Berke October 20, 2011

UT students and Austin residents gathered to explore the relationship between music and architecture through artistic performances Wednesday afternoon. Participants in the Music in Architecture competition...

UT Professors Research Mexican American Representation and Education

Jennifer Berke October 13, 2011

Mexican Americans were historically neglected both in education and in government representation, according to two UT professors who presented their research Wednesday. Emilio Zamora, professor in the...

UT Professor Leads Expedition in Arctic Ecosystem

Jennifer Berke October 6, 2011

Three UT science instructors plan to spend the summer avoiding oil spills and direct interferences with the natural ecosystem while studying sediment samples in the Arctic Ocean. Marine science professor...

Zayas appointed new School of Social Work Dean

Jennifer Berke September 29, 2011

UT’s School of Social Work appointed Luis Zayas to serve as its new dean beginning next semester. Zayas was chosen as the new dean of the School of Social Work because of his national prominence...

Students observe stars, learn about world’s end

Jennifer Berke September 29, 2011

Anybody who watched the 2009 feature film “2012” was exposed to many scientific inaccuracies about how the world may end, according to a College of Natural Sciences presentation. Students...

Garvey named new entrepreneur-in-residence

Jennifer Berke September 22, 2011

The Herb Kelleher Center for Entrepreneurship selected its 2011-2012 entrepreneur-in-residence last week. The entrepreneur-in-residence is chosen from a group of businesspeople nominated by the faculty,...

Veterans utilize military skills for disaster relief

Jennifer Berke September 15, 2011

Iraq and Afghanistan veterans applying their military strategies to disaster relief efforts around the world are challenging World War II veterans for the title of the greatest generation. Time magazine...

Heavy congestion of I-35 costs Texans time, gas money

Jennifer Berke September 6, 2011

Interstate Highway 35 from State Highway 71 to U.S. Highway 183 is the fourth-most congested roadway in the state, according to a Texas Department of Transportation list released last week. Because of...

Video game advertisements perceived negatively if violent

Jennifer Berke September 1, 2011

Advertisements branded with violent video games are perceived negatively by the general population and especially by women, according to a recent UT study. According to the study, featured violence in...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin