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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

All content by Kate Thackrey

30: Science editor discovers people aren’t as scary as previously believed

Kate Thackrey August 7, 2017

Editor’s note: A 30 column is a chance for departing permanent staff to say farewell and reflect on their time spent in the The Daily Texan. The term comes from the old typesetting mark (-30-) to denote...


Robot birds could help guide flocks to safety

Kate Thackrey July 31, 2017

The computer simulations of artificial intelligence researcher Katie Genter could help robot birds lead real flocks away from dangerous situations. Genter, who presented her Ph.D. dissertation on flocking...


UT professor recognized for revolutionary fish research

Kate Thackrey January 18, 2017

Known best for his intensive work with the three-spined stickleback fish, UT integrative biology professor Daniel Bolnick accepted the Edith and Peter O’Donnell Award for his contributions to Texas...


UT professor leads first panel for 100-year artificial intelligence study

Eva Frederick and Kate Thackrey September 2, 2016

A lot can happen in 100 years — just ask UT computer science professor Peter Stone. On Thursday, Stone and fellow researchers released a report that will kick off Stanford’s One Hundred...


Titan has grand canyons too

Kate Thackrey August 24, 2016

Researchers at UT have found a series of methane-filled canyons spanning the northern pole of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, which reach a depth of up to 2,000 feet. The researchers hypothesize...


Disease research kneads yeast

Kate Thackrey August 22, 2016

The humble baker’s yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is one of the best-studied organisms on the planet. By 1996, scientists had sequenced the entire yeast genome and have been using it as a model...


UT to install its first living wall

Kate Thackrey May 5, 2016

Volunteers will be planting the future on May 16 when UT installs its first living wall on the north side of the architecture building. The wall has a honeycomb structure with a steel skeleton that...


Austinite opinions on giving up the wheel

Kate Thackrey April 28, 2016

Around 40 percent of Austin residents said they would pay for a driverless taxi service at least once a week, but only if it’s cheap, according to a new study on self-driving cars from the UT department...


UT scientists use lasers to treat depression

Kate Thackrey April 22, 2016

Researchers are recruiting volunteers for a study to see whether lasers can make depressed subjects more receptive to therapy. For the new study, Christopher Beevers, director of the UT Institute of...


UT3D students immerse in new technology

Kate Thackrey April 12, 2016

Simon Quiroz has the power to make a television screen come to life. As a post-production specialist for the radio-television-film department’s UT3D program, Quiroz said he works with students to...

Language barriers damage social ties, health in older Korean-Americans

Kate Thackrey March 25, 2016

A series of new studies by UT researchers found that older Korean immigrants with limited English skills are significantly more vulnerable to health problems and social isolation than English speakers. The...

courtesy of tx sprouts

UT researchers plant good health at elementary schools

Kate Thackrey March 8, 2016

For students at Oak Meadows Elementary school, nutrition starts early.  The UT research group TX Sprouts built the first of six elementary school gardens at Oak Meadows this Saturday. The two-year...


Digital time capsule hopes to solidify social media memories

Kate Thackrey February 25, 2016

In an age when sharing daily life is as natural as breathing, a new device could consolidate the best parts of current social media platforms. Users of the Ekko digital time capsule will have the ability...

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Students compete to make the best health app

Kate Thackrey February 16, 2016

Healthcare providers are looking to move their data online. UT-Austin students have an app for that. Student teams crafted working app models from fake healthcare data during a 15-hour coding marathon...


Cancer patients share information, hope with #StupidCancer

Kate Thackrey February 12, 2016

Young cancer patients are using Twitter to find connections where previous generations had none. In a new study, researchers collected two years’ worth of tweets by cancer patients and caretakers...

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UT study finds coal-burning power plants could capture carbon dioxide with less energy

Kate Thackrey February 3, 2016

Efficient carbon capture is one of the best ways to cut down on greenhouse gas emissions, but it could cost energy companies more than they’re willing to spend. A new UT study has found that coal-burning...


Pakistani lawyer advocates for international human rights

Kate Thackrey February 2, 2016

While discussing tough human rights concerns, Pakistani lawyer and activist Hina Jilani is passionate and succinct. “Always be outraged,” Jilani told the aspiring lawyers and advocates...


Air Force contracting officer talks about leadership, overseas experiences

Kate Thackrey January 29, 2016

Rows of UT ROTC cadets watched a contracting officer for the Air Force talked about his experiences in the service, especially Iraq and Afghanistan on Thursday. Lieutenant Colonel Ronnie Doud works...

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Kate Thackrey