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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

All content by Katherine Taylor

The three things I wish I had known

Katherine Taylor May 3, 2012

Since this is my last column, I want to self-indulgently take a little time to thank the important people. Thank you to my friends and family who actually read my column. And thank you to my dad for telling...

Failing to nurture the needs of introverts

Katherine Taylor April 27, 2012

My name is Katherine Taylor, and I’m an introvert. No, I’m not a social misfit. Yes, I still have friends. Contrary to common misconceptions, introversion doesn’t actually reflect how...

Waiting for you, @President Powers

Katherine Taylor April 20, 2012

It is time for UT to step out of the dark ages. It is time for UT to leave Plato’s cave and enter into the light of Internet expression. It is time for President William Powers Jr. to get a Twitter. Look,...

Don’t test me, bro

Katherine Taylor April 12, 2012

Given the recent upgrade and completion of the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) testing across high schools in the state of Texas, it is no surprise that standardized testing at...

The Hunger Games of the GOP primaries

Katherine Taylor April 2, 2012

Candidates prepare for months, sometimes years, to get ready. They give interviews in front of huge crowds of people to gain support. Intense focus is allocated for raising money through sponsors to pay...

Higher education at a ‘freemium’

Katherine Taylor March 23, 2012

It’s no surprise to anyone that higher education is facing budget cuts all across the country and that we’re being told to do more with less. What you may find surprising, however, is one of...

Scandals perpetuate apathy toward Student Government elections

Katherine Taylor March 1, 2012

Unless you’ve been living under a rock the past two weeks or you’re part of the majority of the campus population that doesn’t care about Student Government, you’ve heard about...

Placing value on the health of the student body

Katherine Taylor February 21, 2012

Editor’s note: On Feb. 9, Pat Clubb, vice president for University operations, and Juan Sanchez, vice president for research, sent a University-wide email alerting the campus community that the Cancer...

Creativity constrained by the core curriculum

Katherine Taylor February 1, 2012

Do schools kill creativity? Ken Robinson, TED talks lecturer, international educational adviser and author of “The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything,” argues that they do. His...

Challenge from the White House

Katherine Taylor January 27, 2012

For those of you who were too busy with the start of school to watch President Barack Obama’s State of the Union Address this week, don’t worry, he did more than repeatedly remind us that Osama...

An open letter on tuition to President Powers

Katherine Taylor December 7, 2011

Dear President William Powers Jr., I know you said last week that you would take student input about the tuition debate into consideration, so here’s mine: Don’t raise tuition. On Monday,...

Losing more than a game

Katherine Taylor December 2, 2011

Every Thanksgiving for as long as I can remember, I’ve watched the Texas-Texas A&M game while I let my casserole-filled stomach digest my dinner. This event is preceded by watching the Dallas...

End the chauvinist mentality

Katherine Taylor November 17, 2011

Who runs the world? Girls. I wish more than anything that statement were true. Sadly, it should read something closer to “Who’s the poorest? Girls.” This week, Soraya Chemaly of the...

Turning around youth voter turnout

Katherine Taylor November 8, 2011

Today is Election Day across the United States, and given that voter turnout was only 7.5 percent for a similar election in 2009 in Travis County, you probably haven’t voted today. This statement...

Perry: the thwartist and the hair

Katherine Taylor November 3, 2011

Rick Perry recently made the decision to skip some of the upcoming Republican presidential nominee debates and claims his past participation in debates was “a mistake.” Perhaps he’s...

Pathway to nowhere

Katherine Taylor October 27, 2011

What does a liberal arts degree prepare us for? The above question is one I hear all the time from my friends and family. But most times, content in the pursuit of my passions, I ignore the criticism. But...

Don’t call me a ‘slut’

Katherine Taylor October 19, 2011

While I’m sure you’re all used to hearing all the latest news on the Occupy Wall Street movement, it’s not the only organized protest taking place right now. SlutWalks are happening across...

Meeting great expectations

Katherine Taylor October 13, 2011

I would be excited for the Texas Book Festival, which is the weekend of Oct. 22, if I could remember the last time I read a book for pleasure. I miss reading, and because my majors — Plan II, which...

Where have all the good women gone?

Katherine Taylor October 10, 2011

In the past two election cycles, the only women who have gotten anywhere close to being elected to the White House have been Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin. But perhaps you know the two of them better...

Politics not as usual

Katherine Taylor September 29, 2011

Inside Higher Ed reports UT System Chancellor Francisco Cigarroa is one of only two public university system heads in the state without prior political experience. Even though our Cigarroa goes against...

Be the many with suicide prevention

Katherine Taylor September 22, 2011

In honor of Suicide Prevention Week, the Counseling and Mental Health Center is hosting events each day this week with a common theme: to teach students how to “be that one.” That tagline caused...

Perry: Picture perfect in the primary

Katherine Taylor September 13, 2011

Last Wednesday night marked the first time I had ever been excited for a GOP presidential debate. No, I have not decided that the government is too big and simultaneously expanded the Department of Homeland...

9/11: Grappling with the attacks 10 years later

Katherine Taylor September 8, 2011

There are few events I remember clearly from my adolescence. Aside from my afro hair, awkward physical changes and the stupid uniform I had to wear to school, there are not many other details I can recall...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin