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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

All content by Lauren Schneider

UT researchers find out floods carved canyons across Mars

Lauren Schneider December 4, 2018

A new study from UT researchers found that flooding from crater lakes on Mars could have rapidly shaped the its surface billions of years ago. The report, published in Geology on November 16, was written...


UT Yoga program designed for students in recovery

Lauren Schneider November 27, 2018

Students recovering from an addiction or struggling with mental health can find peace of mind and community by attending yoga at the Center for Students in Recovery. Through this weekly Yoga for Recovery...


Linguists model code switching in bilingual speech

Lauren Schneider November 9, 2018

When architectural engineering sophomore Vanessa Velez talks to her friends from high school, they rarely stick to one language. Velez said her Latina friend group switches between Spanish and English. This...

Robots_Courtesy_of_Justin W

Computer scientists add features to Gates Dell Complex helper robots

Lauren Schneider October 30, 2018

People who aren’t regular visitors to the Gates Dell Complex may not be familiar with the fleet of robots that roam the building. A team of researchers in the computer science department recently...


Fossil finding reveals how some dinosaurs got so big

Lauren Schneider October 23, 2018

The group of dinosaurs known as sauropods includes the largest animal to ever live on land, according to Historical Biology. This month, UT Ph.D. graduate Adam Marsh and professor Timothy Rowe published...


CNS Natural Sciences Week focuses on diversity

Lauren Schneider October 22, 2018

The Natural Sciences Council (NSC) hosted their annual Natural Sciences Week from Monday, Oct. 15 to Friday, Oct. 19. Each day, NSC hosted a different event for students in the College of Natural Sciences....

UT professors collaborate with Mexican institutions through ConTex

Lauren Schneider October 9, 2018

Nine professors from across UT recently received the 2018 ConTex Collaborative Research Grants. This funding allows the research bonds between UT and Mexican institutions to continue to grow. ConTex was...


Researcher starts UT squirrel study

Lauren Schneider October 3, 2018

Any regular to the SAC knows that UT squirrels are widespread and bold enough to swipe your Chick-fil-A fries. Whether you think these squirrely friends are an amusement or an annoyance, UT researchers...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin