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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

All content by Lydia Herrera

AID Austin seeks support in removing Dow Chemical’s Olympic sponsorship

Lydia Herrera December 5, 2011

Volunteers from the Association for India’s Development laid down under white shrouds next to the West Mall on Friday to urge students to sign a petition to remove the Dow Chemical Company from sponsoring...

Campus Environmental Center hosts kick-off event to revamp campaign

Lydia Herrera November 23, 2011

With a trailer full of recyclables parked on the West Mall early Tuesday morning, a student group hoped to bring awareness to their campaign to ban disposable plastic water bottles on campus. The student...

Austin’s 100 Homes Campaign part of larger national effort

Lydia Herrera November 9, 2011

Tuesday marked day two of volunteers fanning out across the community to survey and identify the city’s most medically vulnerable homeless as part of Austin Registry Week. Austin’s 100 Homes...

Good reporting never goes away, editor notes

Lydia Herrera November 2, 2011

Despite technologies that have been recently introduced to journalism, basic reporting techniques have remained the same, and any one reporter can make a difference, said Leonard Downie Jr., former executive...

UT educators had impact on BZ Lewis

Lydia Herrera October 26, 2011

Success is built by maintaining friendships and connections and finding the right niche market to cater to, said musician, producer and UT alumnus BZ Lewis. During a Tuesday lecture titled “Hope...

CowParade to auction fake bulls for charity

Lydia Herrera October 19, 2011

Jay Leno will make a guest appearance Nov. 13 when the painted cows that have made their home in downtown Austin are auctioned off for charity. Proceeds from the auction, which will be held at ACL-Live...

Post 9/11 Prejudice towards Arab Americans and Middle Easterners

Lydia Herrera October 12, 2011

 The prejudice toward Arab Americans is still rampant in a post-9/11 world, said associate professor Germine Awad in a lecture on the ongoing bias in the U.S. against Middle Easterners. Awad’s...

Miss Deaf America raises awareness of disability

Lydia Herrera October 5, 2011

Assistant English instructor Rachel Mazique is the only deaf member in the English department and she utilizes two interpreters who voice for her during her class. As Miss Deaf America, she said she uses...

Research disproves effectiveness of single-sex education

Lydia Herrera October 5, 2011

Research shows the ineffectiveness of single-sex education, in which students are segregated by sex, and its contribution to the increase of gender stereotypes, according to a report released Sept. 23...

Astronaut Scholarship Foundation awards UT student

Lydia Herrera September 28, 2011

The Astronaut Scholarship Foundation awarded a $10,000 scholarship to computer science and mathematics major Ben Braun Monday, said computer science professor Calvin Lin, who helped nominate Braun. Every...

Austin community, vendors gather to raise funds for Bastrop wildfires victims

Lydia Herrera September 14, 2011

Live music could be heard outside of the CTC Garden venue as people gathered Tuesday at an event created to raise funds for the American Red Cross of Central Texas to aid the wildfire victims of Bastrop...

McCombs begins positive trend with Hispanic students

Lydia Herrera September 14, 2011

The Red McCombs School of Business was ranked as the second best school in the nation for Hispanic MBA students, according to a study done by Hispanic Business magazine. The percent of enrolled Hispanic...

Mika Tajima’s exhibit ‘opens up possibilities’

Lydia Herrera September 7, 2011

Standing in the midst of slide projections, scaffolds and paintings displaying vivid and energetic colors, artist Mika Tajima quietly surveyed her work as it neared completion Tuesday in the Visual Arts...

Climate professor talks today’s triple-digit temperatures

Lydia Herrera September 2, 2011

With temperatures consistently hitting triple digits, Austin residents are dealing with record-breaking heat on a daily basis. The Daily Texan spoke with Rong Fu, a professor in the Jackson School of Geosciences,...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin