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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

All content by Maria-Xenia Hardt

Should professors employ a “no-screens” policy?

Sam Hays and Maria-Xenia Hardt February 13, 2013

Editor’s note: As the use of laptops in class becomes widespread across campus, we asked two columnists if glowing screens should be allowed to remain open. Are laptops a necessary tool that professors...

DIY study abroad

Maria-Xenia Hardt February 5, 2013

UT study abroad programs are wide-ranging but expensive, and students looking to travel afar should consider other options. By participating in a faculty-led program, such as “Theater in Italy,”...

Gun control: A German’s disbelief

Maria-Xenia Hardt January 17, 2013

When I told people in Germany my plans to study in Texas for a year, they all had the same reaction: “Be careful with those cowboys, don’t get shot!” While I haven’t met many cowboys,...

Advice from a wannabe

Maria-Xenia Hardt December 7, 2012

When I was 12 years old, I told my family that I wanted to be a journalist when I grew up. A sports journalist. By 2022, I announced, they would all be able to watch me on TV, commenting on the final match...

Why Americans don’t learn languages

Maria-Xenia Hardt November 27, 2012

Ten years ago, no one would have predicted that I would someday write for an English newspaper, get along in an English-speaking country or study English literature. As a German grammar school student,...

You get what you pay for

Maria-Xenia Hardt October 30, 2012

Imagine a university where you did not have to pay any fees other than around $300 a year for administration costs and your bus ticket. Universities like this exist, and I’ve been a student at one...

Doping is a reality

Maria-Xenia Hardt October 24, 2012

Here we go: another doping scandal in cycling. But this time it involves a big name — Lance Armstrong. As in past doping scandals, the public debate about what lessons to draw from athletes’...

The European dream

Maria-Xenia Hardt October 17, 2012

Europeans faced with a crushing economic crisis have gotten a lot of bad news in the past few years. Although I’m no economist, I am a German native studying in the States and I’ve recognized...

Don’t short your identity

Maria-Xenia Hardt September 26, 2012

Soon after I arrived on the UT-Austin campus, I saw a group of girls wearing striped Nike Tempo shorts, tennis shoes and oversized t-shirts. I thought they were part of a feminist organization rebelling...

Hello, my name is: ‘Party’

Maria-Xenia Hardt September 18, 2012

At UT, there’s something for everybody. Not only in the course catalog but also when it comes to extra-curricular activities. With over 1,000 student organizations, it is hard not to find one that...

Postcard from a newcomer

Maria-Xenia Hardt September 7, 2012

On various occasions I’ve thought about recording a tape and pressing “play” whenever I meet yet another new person: “Hi! My name is Maria, I’m an exchange student from Germany....

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin