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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

All content by Molly Moore

Teach for America CEO suggests ways to start change

Molly Moore May 5, 2011

Potlucks may be the key to ending the cycle of poverty in the education system, Teach For America CEO and founder Wendy Kopp said Wednesday. Kopp, who is best known for founding the organization...


Columnist discusses college athletics

Molly Moore April 21, 2011

Sports matter in society, sports columnist Sally Jenkins said Wednesday at the second annual Frank Deford Lecture in Sports Journalism. “They are stories we tell ourselves about who we’d...

Longhorns support fellow students at event for emergency fund

Molly Moore April 14, 2011

Students dug in their pockets to help support the Student Emergency Fund at the first-ever Spring into Giving campaign. Students Hooked on Texas, a group devoted to community service and fundraising...

Some agencies may gain access to university student records

Molly Moore April 11, 2011

The U.S. Department of Education hopes to increase the success of higher education institutions by opening student records to specified agencies. The department announced several changes to the...

‘Take Back the Night’ raises issue of sexual violence, assault

Molly Moore April 7, 2011

A stool and a microphone rested at the foot of the UT Tower on Wednesday evening, inviting slam poets, musicians, singers and survivors to come up and speak out against sexual violence. Voices Against...

Town hall fields questions, concerns

Molly Moore March 31, 2011

Students aired concerns about curriculum changes and budget cuts in the College of Communication at a town hall meeting on Wednesday. The Student Issues and Advisory Committee hosted the Third Annual...

Israel nation jubilation

Molly Moore March 10, 2011

A dozen white tents on the South Mall introduced students to diverse aspects of Israeli life in the 13th Annual Israel Block Party. The block party, which Texas Hillel sponsors, aims to spread information...

Rally at Capitol venerates lives of fallen construction workers

Molly Moore March 3, 2011

Cardboard coffins lined Congress Avenue until all 138 of them filled the front lawn of the Texas Capitol on Wednesday afternoon. The coffins were painted black and represented the 138 Texas construction...

Study examines attitudes of desegregation

Molly Moore March 3, 2011

Black students are more likely to support affirmative action and desegregation policies than white students, according to a recently released UT study. The study, conducted in 2008, took the student...

Contraption contest breeds creativity

Molly Moore February 24, 2011

Chris Hunt’s success all hinged on a kung fu hamster. If the hamster prevented a marble from rolling down a bright yellow ramp, Hunt’s Rube Goldberg machine would have been a failure....

Professor recounts memoir of al-Qaeda

Molly Moore February 17, 2011

Pulitzer Prize-winner Lawrence Wright said it took years for him to come to terms with what he saw while covering America’s involvement in the atrocious conflicts in the Middle East. Wright,...

Egyptian citizens celebrate president’s resignation

Molly Moore February 14, 2011

Egyptian people took to the streets in celebration rather than protest Friday morning when the historic announcement of 30-year President Hosni Mubarak’s resignation hit the airwaves. Austin...

Professor impacted culture, education

Molly Moore February 10, 2011

Celebrated UT choral director Morris Beachy died in his sleep Feb. 3 due to complications of Alzheimer’s disease at 82. Beachy’s prolific career began in 1947 when he came to UT to teach and finish...

Budget cuts vex schools

Molly Moore February 10, 2011

K-12 schools face $11 billion in cuts as the state attempts to balance a $27-billion budget shortfall. Rather than looking to improve education, educators and policymakers are now wondering whether they...

Middle East conflict prompts overcrowded panel assembly

Molly Moore February 4, 2011

The current upheaval in the Middle East — whether it be the move toward democracy in Tunisia or the ongoing revolution in Egypt — has sparked a discussion in the UT community. A group of about 150...

Computer literacy is key, professor urges

Molly Moore February 1, 2011

Emphasis should be placed on online, not offline, reading comprehension, said an education professor who specializes in computer literacy. Early education in Internet literacy may hold the key to maintaining...

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