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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

All content by Renee Gomez

Give back students’ Dine In Dollars

Renee Gomez December 5, 2020

As economic distress becomes a prominent effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, many students are striving to save every penny. Despite difficult times, University Housing and Dining has not changed their...


Students, consider gentrification when making housing decisions

Renee Gomez October 27, 2020

Correction: An earlier version of this column mischaracterized quotes and ideas attributed to Ethan Smith. The mischaracterizations have since been corrected. The Texan regrets this error. With...


Stop using the word ‘preferred’ when referencing identity

Renee Gomez October 13, 2020

Preferred means to have a favorite. It seems optional. For example, I prefer Milky Way over Hershey’s, Dr. Pepper over Coca-Cola and mint chocolate chip over rocky road, but really, I’ll...


To prevent campus disruptions, limit the amount of time the public can use outdoor spaces

Renee Gomez October 6, 2020

A voice boomed “ABORTION IS MURDER” while I attempted to finish some homework outside of Jester East Residence Hall. A large red and white sign caught my attention as the voice commanded me...

AbriellaCorker_sexual assualt

Rape culture isn’t going anywhere

Renee Gomez October 1, 2020

UT doesn’t offer much education to prevent sexual assault. Students are required to complete an hourlong, federally mandated online module at the beginning of their freshman year. This module only...


Don’t let us short circuit

Renee Gomez September 24, 2020

Laptops have become an essential part of the Longhorn experience. Whether a laptop becomes a classroom, textbook, teacher, meeting room or stadium, the digital age has opened COVID-free doors for students...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin