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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

All content by Sara Reinsch

Copy lioness leaves behind pride for new plains

Sara Reinsch May 2, 2014

Editor’s note: A 30 column is a chance for departing permanent staff to say farewell and reflect on their time spent in The Daily Texan’s basement office. The term comes from the old typesetting...

Throwback Thursday: Attitudes about finals remain unchanged

Sara Reinsch May 1, 2014

A group of 1943 Daily Texan articles that announced the beginning of dead week reveal that students’ views, study methods and attitudes surrounding final exams haven’t changed much in the last...

Throwback Thursday: 1972 predictions for the future are utterly bizarre

Sara Reinsch March 27, 2014

In 1972, The Daily Texan predicted that such technological achievements as clones, video calls and virtual classes would be available to UT students by the early ’90s. Clones have yet to exist, FaceTime...

Throwback Thursday: UT’s World War II dating bureau takes love off the battlefield

Sara Reinsch February 20, 2014

Searching for a date in the digital age is as easy as opening an app and scrolling through a list of nearby singles, but, before modern technology, finding a date was a chancy pursuit. In 1942, a UT council...

Throwback Thursday: Race remains an issue 50 years after UT Athletics’ integration

Sara Reinsch January 23, 2014

Two years after a 1961 student referendum called for integration of the University’s athletic programs, the UT System Board of Regents removed all of its race-based student restrictions on Nov. 9,...

Throwback: Young Conservatives of Texas have history of not shying away from controversy

Sara Reinsch November 21, 2013

The Young Conservatives of Texas, also known as YCT, have not shied away from provocative stances and displays throughout their past, and the group’s latest demonstration is no exception.  On...

Throwback Thursday: Petty party politics and the government shutdown

Sara Reinsch October 24, 2013

Editor’s note: This is the fifth in a weekly series in which The Daily Texan looks back at something it covered in its 113-year-old history. One of the biggest competitions in party politics surfaces...

Throwback Thursday: Co-ed Curfews at The University of Texas in the 1960’s

Sara Reinsch September 26, 2013

Editor’s note: This is the first in a weekly series in which The Daily Texan looks back at something it covered in its 113-year-old history. An early morning Big Bite feast after a night of barhopping...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin