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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

All content by Yusuf Shafi

Just because it’s legal to go out doesn’t mean it’s safe

Yusuf Shafi May 8, 2020

After a short month and a half lockdown, Texas is steadily reopening businesses. First, retail stores and movie theaters, and now barbershops, salons and gyms. While Gov. Greg Abbott might not care about...


If you can, tip essential workers

Yusuf Shafi April 28, 2020

Editor's note: If you are a UT student who needs financial assistance, apply for emergency funding here.  With my job in the food service industry designated as essential business, I am still...


UT must establish dialogue about housing with transfer students

Yusuf Shafi April 24, 2020

State law dictates that 75% of of first-year in-state students must be automatically admitted into UT. These prospective freshmen are high schoolers who rank in the top 6% of their respective schools.  I...


If you can, request mail-in ballot and vote

Yusuf Shafi April 14, 2020

On July 14, several key runoff elections will be happening in Travis County.  Unfortunately, COVID-19 will limit thousands of students' ability to go to the polls. Now more than ever, students...


Don’t do it for the résumé, do it because you care

Yusuf Shafi April 2, 2020

Editor’s note: This column was written before the closure of the UT campus due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Its content may or may not reflect the current reality of student life on campus. We believe...

Neha nicotine

UT needs to rework its nicotine addiction programs

Yusuf Shafi February 27, 2020

In December 2019, the Trump administration signed a spending package into law raising the purchase of tobacco age to 21. A few months earlier, Texas abolished the previously existing grandfather clause,...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin