Smartphones have proven essential in managing students’ busy academic careers, including checking email and updating calendars. Among the thousands of mobile applications, helpful academically focused apps exist for students to use in their studies. Here's collection of the best apps for UT’s major colleges and schools:
School of Business
Bloomberg: A key component of any business degree is having a deep understanding of the health of the economy. Bloomberg, the leader in finance, has an app that keeps you on top of market trends, stocks and the overall health of the economy at all times. Free on iOS, Nokia, Blackberry and Android.
Linkedin: The mobile app offers the same features as the website and allows you to receive updates, manage your groups and reply to requests. And with its newly redesigned interface, the mobile app is now easier to use than ever. Free for iOS.
Mint: This app allows you to budget your finances to make sure that you are spending within your means. If you so choose, you can link your bank account to the app so you can have your purchases automatically logged. Free for iOS, web and Android.
iWork for iOS: With this, you can finish your Powerpoint, Excel and Word documents on the go. While the price is steep, the well-polished interface and future integration with Apple computers makes this a good investment. Documents To Go is another excellent and cheaper alternative to iWork for those who do not have an iOS device. $9.99 for each app ($29.97 for entire suite) for iOS.
OmniGraffle: Whether you are planning out your next vacation or mapping out a database, Omnigraffle for iPad is the tool of choice. Its vast array of features and its ability to create complex diagrams makes this app powerful yet user friendly. $49.99 for iOS (iPad only).
College of Fine Arts
SketchBook Pro for iPad: Keep your Moleskine and pen at your dorm, because this app is a virtual paint studio. The variety of brushes and array of effects makes this the go-to app for your drawing needs. There is a learning curve, but those who stick with this app will be handsomely rewarded. $4.99 for iOS (iPad only).
ColorExpert: Trying to figure out which color scheme works the best? ColorExpert makes choosing colors easier with its swatch book and color wheel. Outside and see a color that you like? Take a picture and let the app find the exact CMYK numbers for you. $9.99 for iOS.
Garageband for iPad: Have a melody written out but don’t have anybody to help you record the song? Garageband allows you to mix prerecorded beats with recorded music. With its library of virtual instruments, you will be writing the next hit song in no time. $4.99 for iOS (iPad only).
DanceTime Deluxe: Memorizing the steps to a dance sequence is difficult, but this app will surely make it easier. The app acts a rhythm counter and makes sure that you are dancing at the correct pace. $4.99 for iOS.
Tuner: This application acts as a portable tuner to make sure that your instrument is playing at the correct pitches. $.99 for iOS.
College of Communication
Movie Slate: Acting like a production assistant, this app works as a clapperboard, shot log and shot notepad. Its easy-to-use interface is a huge time saver when it comes to putting your project together in post-production. $19.99 for iOS.
StoryBoard Composer: Storyboarding a movie can be a daunting and challenging task, especially for those who can’t draw very well. This app helps you plan out all of your shots using a simple drag and drop method and saves you from having to do costly retakes in the future. $14.99 for iOS.
iAd Gallery: Advertising majors take note: This app shows off some of Apple’s finest advertisements. As mobile advertising become more prevalent in the smartphone world, advertising majors should take a look at this app to see how ads are changing. Free for iOS.
Photoshop Express: While not as powerful as the desktop counterpart, the mobile version of Photoshop is still a worthy photo editing tool. You can preform all of the actions you expect from a editing tool and it has an affordable price tag. Free for iOS and Android.
The Week: Want the latest news in bite-sized form? The Week magazine has put together an iPhone app for easier reading. While the interface isn’t the best, the quantity of articles makes it an easy pick up and read news source. Free for iOS.
College of Liberal Arts
Word Lens: Reading a Spanish book for class but don’t understand it? This app can translate it for you — just use your phone’s camera to examine the page and watch as it translates from Spanish to English in real time. Free for iOS (must purchase language packs).
The White House: Keep up with the president and his activities with the official White House app. Government majors will love the wealth of information available about the president and the mobile alerts about breaking news. Free for iOS and Android.
Classics: Whether you need to brush up on “The Odyssey” or on “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland,” this app has you covered. With many classic novels available with the tap of the button, this app is a library in your pocket. The vibrant interface and routinely updated catalog make this a worthy investment. $2.99 for iOS.
Grammar Up: This app is a reference guide for all those strange grammar rules. Its quiz mode allows you to see how well you really know the English language. $1.99 for iOS.
The University of Texas at Austin App: Don’t know where Jester Center is? Want to know how many Bevo Bucks you have left? The official UT app has all that information and much more. With its directory index, finding your friend’s phone number is as easy as spelling out his name. Free for iOS.
GroupMe: Text messaging a person is great, but when it comes to texting a large groups of people, texting becomes a hassle. GroupMe is a texting application that specializes in group texting. When you text the group, everybody instantly receives it, and when your friend responds to a text, everybody else gets the response text. This app will make coordinating study groups much easier. Free for iOS, Android, Blackberry and Windows Phone 7.
Cramberry: Notecards are a wonderful study tool, but having to make hundreds of them by hand can be a hassle. Cramberry allows you to create virtual notecards, which makes creating them and studying them a whole lot easier. $2.99 (premium version) for iOS.
Amazon Student: Need to buy some last-minute textbooks or need to sell last semester’s? Amazon Student is a quick and easy way to get the things you need fast. Free for iOS.
Camera +: The stock camera on your phone not cutting it? This app gives you much more control over your camera. The included photo effects allow you to make your photos go from plain to one-of-a-kind. $1.99 for iOS.