At the beginning of every week, we provide a list of opinion-worthy events to expect during the coming week.
“Good Hair,” a docu-comedy featuring comedian Chris Rock that explores societal notions of beauty as they apply to African-American women’s hair, will be screened Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in the Calhoun Hall auditorium (CAL 100). The film investigates how the beauty industry influences women’s understanding of “good hair” and how this understanding affects the African-American community at large. The film will be preceded by a brief introduction from Jackie Smith, an American Studies Ph.D. student.
The Environmental Science Institute presents Robert Bullard, known as “the father of the environmental justice movement,” who will discuss the disparate effects that climate change and other environmental health threats have on historically disadvantaged communities. The lecture will take place Friday, Feb. 22, at 7 p.m. in the SAC auditorium.
The Gender and Sexuality Center will host an informal talk Thursday, Feb. 21 to discuss the intersection of LGBTQ identities with religion and spirituality. Snacks will be provided. The GSC is located in the Student Activities Center, room SAC 2.112.